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Agnes showed up for work right after they got done with her car; it didn't take nearly as long as she thought, but when she started the old thing, it felt like a new car she was in. She told him she'd pay him after she got the money and he believed her. All she had in her pockets was five dollars, two cigarettes, and some gum. Surprisingly, they didn't take that as payment.

The place was rowdy. She'd lied about her age since she was sixteen and been working all kinds of odd jobs. None of the bars she tended were as messy as this one.

Upon reaching the bar, she was greeted by a different man in a cowboy hat. "Howdy, Miss," he says. She threw a nod his way followed by a little smile and began straightening up. "Y'know, ain't no need to clean up here. It gon' get right back messy."

"I don't know about you, but I can't work behind a messy bar."

"Well you must be new 'round here, 'cause Buck's is always messy." She sighed and looked out at the crowd of people dancing, playing, kissing sloppily, drinking, smoking. She already liked the people she saw. "What's your name, sweets?"

"Agnes. Yours? Sweets."

"Ricky Fontaine," he replied, "Well I gotta get goin', Buck said to leave when the new lady shows up so good luck."

She looked at him surprised and watched his back as he walked away. She crossed her arms and began straightening up again. The way these people partied, it looked like it was gonna be a long night.

Agnes had thought her shift was over. It was a grueling seven-hour shift of people yelling at, shamelessly flirting with, making fun of, and when they were drunk enough, throwing a couple drinks at Agnes. Buck said don't pay it much attention. It's like their own initiation.

"What time ya' get here?" He asked, taking out his wallet and flipping through some dollar bills while a cigarette hangs lazily from his lips. I could really go for a cigarette right now, Agnes thought.


"Got some tips?"

"Two bucks."

"Well, there you go." He paid her in cash. She walked out with five whole dollars. It was a start. It could buy her another couple packs of Camels. She realized when she made it to her car that she knew absolutely nothing about this town and she had nowhere to park her car overnight. She drove around in a daze, almost nodding off a couple times until she found a park. It was empty, she figured a park's public property and parked there, taking out the only cigarette left in her jacket pocket and lighting it.

She slid out of her jeans and threw on some more comfortable shorts, but kept on her t-shirt. She climbed into the back seat where she kept a blanket and a couple books; tonight's reread being The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Though she didn't get too far before the cigarette was gone and she was off to sleep.

i reread smitten by -johnnycakes and realized that this is somewhat similar, but i didn't realize it cx i mean the plots are different, but a girl who runs away & lives in random towns & cars is kinda similar to a hippie who runs away & lives in her van. i forgot to finish the story tho, hopefully im not stealing anything
not like i have readers on this anyway, but for future reference yknow?

anyway, i just downloaded the grammarly keyboard & it is soo good 10/10 would recomnend

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