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The guys were sitting outside, well most of them were. Sodapop and Darry were inside. Outside was Dally, Johnny, and Steve. She recognized Steve immediately but not the rest of the guys. She decided she wouldn't be getting acquainted. When Johnny came up to the car quietly asking where Pony'd been, Agnes kept her face forward.

"Nowhere." Ponyboy got out of the car and didn't think to thank the girl, seeing as she cut him off last time he did. He saved himself the embarrassment. Just as Agnes was gonna drive away, Sodapop yelled for her to wait, which she did. Hesitantly.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I said something wrong the other day. I just felt like--"

"It's no problem. Don't apologize." She wanted to say that she should be the one apologizing. She blew up at him. She accused him of something she thought he'd never do. She didn't, though, because every time she apologized she felt like it was all her fault again. She stopped apologizing. "I didn't mean to get all heated. I don't usually get boys asking me to stay at their houses unless they're tryin' to get me to bed."

He shook his head. "Oh, no that ain't what I was tryin' to do."

"I get it. Thanks, though, for inviting me."

He didn't want to leave her alone, despite the way her voice sounded--like she was ready to be left alone. "Why don't we go out for a drive? I don't work tonight."

"I do," she says with a chuckle.

"Then you can drop me off on the side of the road later. Come on. I won't even touch you." She wanted to say no but something undeniable was saying yes. It was at the tip of her tongue, the word no. Yes eventually made it's way out. He hopped in the car and Dally and Two-Bit whistled his way. She cringed. "Sorry about them."

"Where to, Mountain Dew?"

He laughed at the rhyme and pointed to their next stop. Telling her directions as she turned each corner and often right before she was supposed to turn. "Sorry, I forgot," he'd say. He grabbed her bag of nothing. "What's all this trash in here for?"

She looked at what was in his hand and she saw the small bad that held her remnants of each city. "It ain't trash." He pulled out a crumpled up newspaper article from North Carolina. "That's from my pass through in this small town right outside of Raleigh. They were havin' elections for sheriff. It kinda reminded me of Mayberry from Andy Griffith."

"And this bottle cap from a Heineken?"

"From a bar in Utah I worked at. I like the surrounding states but I'll take a pass on ever visiting that place again." She chuckled and went on to explain the random pieces of fabric and fun lighters and stickers she saw.

"What about this broken bottle piece? Pretty dangerous."

"That one's from here. Someone threw a bottle and it scratched the car a little. Or dented, I can't remember. Doesn't matter, I won't have this long anyway."

"All the things here and you choose a broken bottle?"

She chuckled and realized that she thought the same thing when she picked it up. "I don't think about these things, I'm just drawn to them. I remember a few days ago, my first day here, I was on the other side of town and it looked completely different from over here. It's like this place was broken into parts. I broke the bottle into parts and took the biggest one."

He nodded. Agnes reminded him of Ponyboy right that second. Over-analyzing things. It wasn't such a bad thing.

"So anyway, where are we going? Also, I've got about fifteen bucks in my glove compartment. I'll only owe you thirty after that."

"Don't worry about it. Just pay it all later. I won't remember." She rolled her eyes and continued staring at the open road ahead of her. "Okay pull over here." She did as told and was met by a hill.

"Are you going to. . . kill me here?"

He laughed at her and she couldn't help but laugh along lightly, looking at his features. If that isn't one nice looking face. "No, my brother brought me here once, Ponyboy. He said there ain't many places where you can see a sunset real good. He's really into that stuff, sunsets and all. I never saw them as special but they are real pretty."

"Sometimes," she says, turning off the car and leaning into her seat. "Sometimes sunsets make me a little sad."

"How come?"

She sighed. "Well, all I really do is travel around and drive this car. I'm usually all alone. When it's nighttime, people are going home to their families and seeing their loved ones and having dinner." Agnes couldn't help but think about home when things were much better for her and her mom. She smiled. For a moment. "I kinda think about when I used to have that, y'know? Then I think about the fact that I don't no more."

"You could, y'know, eventually."

"Eventually should hurry up already."

this is kinda slow but this story won't be long so that's okay.
i sometimes hate when authors update too much bc then i get off track (it's purely my fault, not theirs obviously) but ive been getting more votes & comments (thanks TheOutsiders105) so it's been rlly encouraging me to update more often.
i hope these arent too bad but ill go back and fix them when it comes to that point.
nanite, lovelies 💕💕💕

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