|Chapter Three|

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"What?" I ask, wondering if I heard him correctly.
"I'm going to use my magik to make you invisible. Just until we get inside the kingdom." Alexander says and I just stare at him. "What?" He asks when I don't say anything.
"I swear you just keep getting cooler and cooler."
Alexander laughs,"And I swear you just keep getting cuter and cuter."
"Okay, are you ready?" He asks and I nod slowly. A pinkish glow comes from his palm as he touches me, it engulfs me and when he pulls his hand away I look at him.
"So I'm invisible now?" I ask.
"Yeah, I can't see you." I grab back onto him before I can start to float away.
"I guess we should go now." I whisper and he nods as he begins to swim towards the merkingdom. When we reach the bubble I glance at Alexander hesitantly but obviously he can't see me. He pushes me through first before popping in after me, with legs.
We come out completely dry and I look at him in amazement. From the way he is looking at me I can tell he's not using his magik anymore. My mouth drops open as I take in his human form. He's just as gorgeous and handsome if not more so.
"Also, I kind of failed to mention this earlier, but I'm kinda the youngest prince." He whispers in my ear.
"Wow. That totally doesn't make me even more nervous to meet your family." I whisper back, a hint of sarcasm in my voice."By the way, how are we dry?"
"Magik. Like it?" He answers grinning at me with a little twinkle in his eyes.
Alexander grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together and I blush a deep red."Let's go."
We walk through the city hand in hand and he whispers in my ear telling me about it. I blush and hide my face in his shoulder when I see people looking at us.
Alexander wraps his arm around me and I hide myself further into his chest."You're so cute." He coos in my ear which only causes my face to deepen in color.
"People are looking." I mumble embarrassed and it's a bit muffled by Alexander's shirt.
"If it makes you uncomfortable we can go."
Alexander lifts my face up out of it's hiding place so that I'm looking at him before nuzzling my nose with his softly."Come on precious."
He leads me further into the city before he stops in front a a very large building.
"This is where I live."
"What? This place is huge." I say in shock.
Alexander chuckles,"Come on." He pulls me softly into the building, there are guards by the doors when we enter but Alexander doesn't even glance at them as we pass. The inside is just a big and magnificent as the outside and I can't help staring in awe at everything.
We make our way up a grand staircase and lots of pictures hang in the hallway he's leading me down.
"Where are you taking me?" I whisper softly.
"My room. You'll share it with me."
I blush,"O-okay."
He leads me into a room at the end of the hall and shuts the door behind him.
"So what do you think?" He asks as he turns around, gazing at me expectantly. The room had a large bed in the middle of it and the covers were a dark coral color. There was a bedside table and the room had carpet instead of the shiny marble like floors I'd seen so far. He had a skylight but no other windows. Two doors were directly across from his bed one was closed and the other was half open to reveal a large bathroom.
"It's nice."
Alexander sits on his bed before pulling me on to it with him.
A squeak leaves my lips and he chuckles as I look down at him. I roll off his chest, my face red from embarrassment but Alexander moves to where he hovers over me.
"Alexander." I try to hide my red face but he doesn't let me.
"You're so cute."
The moment is ruined when his door bursts open,"Alexander where have you been? Dad is pissed, he's been looking for yo-"
The person stops mid sentence when he notices me and I turn tomato red at the compromising position they see me and Alexander in.
"What are you doing? And why did you bring someone into the castle?"
We sit up and this time Alexander doesn't stop me from hiding my face in his side.
"This is my mate, Ashley."
"What?" He asks in shock.
"Ashley, this is one of my brothers, Charlie."
Charlie has straight, black, chin length hair and piercing silver eyes. Eyes that were currently looking at me with scepticism.
"You are his mate." He repeats harshly and I flinch into Alexander.
"Charlie." Alexander says with a warning tone to his voice.
"Whatever, just go see dad and introduce him to this new development of yours." Charlie walks away, us once again alone.
"Hey now, look at me precious." Alexander coos to me.
"He doesn't like me. What if none of them do?" My bottom lip trembles as I look at Alexander.
"Sh, Charlie is always like that. Everyone will love you."
"But what if they don't?"
"It doesn't matter what they think because you're my soulmate. Even if they don't like you, it won't change anything."
"I guess you should come meet my dad now." He says hesitantly.
"I guess so." I reply in a whisper.

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