|Chapter Seven|

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"We've gotten your clothes that have already been sent back to the house and I got you that fish plushie that you refuse to put down..." Alexander teases me with the last bit, leaning his face closer to mine.
I clutch the cute plushie closer as I stick my tongue out him.
"So, should we get lunch now?" Alexander asks me.
I nod hesitantly,"I guess so."
Before we can do anything though shouting erupts from right across the street. The shouting is coming from a man and I look at Alexander questioningly.
"What's going on Al?" I ask whisper softly, my voice trembling.
"Don't worry, it happens sometimes. Just stay right here and I'll settle this dispute okay precious?"
I nod and Alexander presses a kiss to my forehead before heading towards the commotion. In that moment I couldn't help but notice the royal air about him, he acted every bit of prince his blood claimed him to be. I wouldn't be surprised if I had stars in my eyes, this side of him was something I hadn't seen yet and I felt like a crushing school girl or something. My cheeks heated up and I gripped my plushie tighter, resting my chin on the top of it. He just looked so cool in his prince-mode.
"With the way your looking at him you'd think he hung the moon." A sharp voice come from behind me, startling me.
"Wha- mmh!" I start but a hand quickly comes over my mouth. I struggle against their grip but another pair of hands grab me. The plushie has fallen to the ground, unnoticed and quickly forgotten.
"Hurry up Beta!" A slightly deeper voice hisses at the other person.
Obviously my attempts are futile, I'm too small and weak to fight against them. I go limp when I realize they've already pulled me out of sight from my beloved mate. My chest tightens and begins to ache at the loss.
I gasp as the hand clamped over my mouth disappears.
"W-why?" I stutter out feebly.
One of them laughs, now that I've stopped struggling I can see their faces. It was a boy and girl, both blonde haired and blue eyed, though their eyes were an ugly muddy colored blue. They seemed to be twins.
The girl laughs," Because weak half-breeds like you shouldn't even exist."
"Let alone be paired with one of the princes." The boy finishes.
"How did you-"
"Sweety, we one your mother. She was a good friend of ours before she met that vile human."
"We've kept an eye on you since you were born, waiting to kill the thing that separated us."
"We were in love with her, why would she choose such ugly creatures over us?!" The girl exclaims angrily.
"Calm down Beta." The boy soothes.
"Shut up Bale." She snaps but otherwise calms somewhat.
Beta begins to chuckle, it starts off slowly and builds up. The sound is chilling and sinister and I notice what she's chuckling about. We're nearing the edge of the dome.
I begin to struggle again but I'm harshly slapped across the face. I whimper and tears roll down my face once again.
"You're really pathetic." Beta says.
"Doesn't almost every half-breed mermaid turn out very weak and frail?" Bale asks inspecting me curiously.
"Yes, our DNA doesn't mix well with others. Most can't even shift."
"Enough with the chitchat," Beta snaps at Bale as he opens his mouth once again. When we stop right in front of the dome I realise I'm shaking, my whole body is trembling in fear and even if I tried to make it stop I don't think I could. I expect her to say something to me, anything at all but am only met with silence.
"W-" Just as I open my mouth to speak she thrusts me harshly through the barrier.
Bubbles escape my mouth and nose and I quickly press a hand over it. I struggle wide eyed to not breathe in though I can already feel my lungs beginning to burn from the lack of oxygen. The pain starts in my chest before it quickly spreads throughout my whole body. Looking down at myself I notice my body is glowing a turquoise color, it's blurry though and my eyes sting unbearably from the salt water so I quickly close them.
My legs and lungs burn with the most pain, so much so that I finally can't take it anymore. Bubbles escape my mouth in large quantities as I scream, folding in on myself I wish the pain would just stop.

My vision is blurry when I first open my eyes. I lift my head from the ground but when I put my hand down I notice it's sand. Blinking a couple more times my vision clears and my eyes pop wide open when I realise I have a tail. It was beautiful and shimmered just like Alexander's did except for the face that mine was many different shades of blue.
"I'm very disappointed you didn't die." Beta grits angrily and I shoot into a sitting position as my eyes dart to where she and Bale swam in front of me, their tales shining the same muddy blue as their eyes.
Beta cracks her fingers menacingly as she begins to appraoch me.
"ASHLEY!" Alexander's voice yells out and app of our heads snap to the right where he is quickly approaching.
"Shit!" Beta curses and I can actually hear her grinding her teeth together harshly.
"We have to go." Bale urges his twin, hesitantly touching her arm. He quickly flinches away when she swings at him.
"I know." She breathes heavily in anger, she gives me one last scorching look before they hurriedly depart.
"Guards, go after them. Do not let them get away." Alexander orders them just before he reaches me.
Alexander is trembling as his arms come around me, pulling me into his embrace.
"You're a mermaid." Alexander says with shock, as if he'd just now noticed.
"My mom was one." I rest my face in the crook of Alexander's neck, inhaling his calming scent.
"Alexander, you're trembling."
"I was so scared, you have no idea how scared I was when I turned around and the only thing there was that plushie."
"I'm fine n- nnh." I begin to reassure him as I pull my face out of its hiding spot but am cut off when Alexander's lips are quickly pressed against mine.
My face quickly heats up and I try to hide it again when Alexander pulls away but he doesn't let me.
"You're so cute." He whispers as he rests his forehead against mine.
"Are you really okay precious?" He asks me softly as he searches my turquoise eyes as if he'll find everything there.
I lean forward and gently press our lips together once again only this time the kiss is a little deeper.
"I'm really okay." I reassure him breathlessly.
Looking down I realize that at some point I had been moved into his lap.
I gasp quietly when his hand comes to rest on my tail.
"You're so beautiful." My tail tingles as he runs his hands over the scales and I shiver.
"S-stop Alexander, i-it feels weird." I whimper and his hand stills on my tail.
"Our tails are sensitive and very intimate, never let anybody touch your tail." Alexander removes his hand from my tail."I'm sorry for teasing you precious." He pecks me on the lips and a soft smile curves my lips.
"I love you."
Alexander's whole face lights up at that,"I love you too."
He leans forward, capturing my lips in an intimate embrace and I'm too caught up to notice or even care about the bright glow of our chests shining.

The End

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