|Chapter Six|

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"Hold up Alexander, I don't even have my shoes tied!" I laugh as he tries to pull me out of his room but I grip the door frame, unwilling to budge. One thing I have recently discovered is that Alexander can be very silly in the morning.
"Fine." He groans letting go of my hand and I crouch down to finish tying my shoes.
"Okay, now we can go." I say and he grins at me mischievously as he grabs my hand and again begins to pull me downstairs.
"Good morning Ashley. Good morning Alexander." Lucy greets us cheerfully as we enter the kitchen. He sits at the island on a stool eating a bowl of what looked to be Cheerios.
"Good morning." I greet back softly. Alexander, however, doesn't say anything as he opens the pantry door.
"Hmm," He ponders for a moment before closing it and turning towards me."Would you like a grilled cheese? I'm a wonderful cook you know." Alexander brags grinning at me.
"Sure." I agree softly smiling back at him and he begins to get the necessary things out to cook. I take a seat at the island next to Lucy, smiling sheepishly at him.
"Rude." I look at Lucy in surprise to see him glaring at his brother.
"First of all, you don't even tell your lovely brother here good morning. Second of all, don't I get a grilled cheese too?"
I giggle softly at Lucy's sass," Yeah, Al, doesn't he get a grilled cheese too?" I ask Alexander, my giggles multiplying as I try to stiffle them behind my hand.
Alexander sets a plate in front of me and the delicious scent of the grilled cheese makes my stomach grumble in hunger.
"What was that precious?" He asks with mock seriousness, raising his eyebrows at me as he tilts his head in my direction.
"He asked you where my food was at." Lucy supplies cheerfully just before he tips his cereal bowl up, drinking some of the milk.
"Still waiting for your lazy ass to get up and get it." Alexander replies snarkily with an evil grin.
Lucy spits his milk out all over the counter and I flinch away in surprise.
"That's mean!" He screeches and I flinch again.
""You better clean that up," Xasper warns Lucy as he enters the kitchen, running a hand through his messy black locks.
"Good morning Ashley." He happily greets me as he passes by.
"But it's Alexander's fault." Lucy whines childishly, sticking his bottom lip out and pouting.
"Good morning Xasper." I greet back at him just before I pick up the grilled grilled cheese Alexander made me and take a bite of the cheesy mess.
"I don't care, he's not the one that spit milk all over the counter. Now get to it before Dad sees this mess." At the mention of Topaz Lucy goes wide eyed and quickly scrambles off the stool to clean up the milk. Alexander stands behind me, amusement written all over his face.
"How did you eat your grilled cheese so fast?" I ask him as I'm just now half way done with mine.
"Skills." He replies cheekily.
"Psh, I'm surprised you didn't choke eating it like that."
"He doesn't have a gag reflex." Xasper says winking at me and I almost choke on my grilled cheese.
"That doesn't have any relevance to what I was saying at all!" I exclaim.
"He could still choke even if he didn't have a gag reflex and how would you know that?"
"It's a long story." Is all the information Xasper supplies me with before he exits the kitchen.
After a few more minutes I'm finished with my breakfast and I stand up.
"Okay, I'm done." I tell Alexander and I walk to the counter, sitting my empty plate in the sink.
"Okay, date time." Alexander says happily and I blush.
"You guys are going on a date?" Lucy 'aw's and my face turns an even brighter shade of red.
"That's none of your business, don't you have a mate to go bother instead of me?" Alexander asks and I'm surprised to see Lucy look embarrassed, his cheeks turning an even darker red than they normally are.
"Ben is busy, with work and stuff." He mutters staring down at his shoes as he fidgets with his fingers.
"Well tell him to stop working so much and keep you happy, because if he's not making you happy-"
"Don't worry, he makes me happy." Lucy quickly interrupts Alexander. "Now go on your date and stop butting into my love life." Lucy shoes us away and it surprises me.
"Okay then, ready to go?" Alexander asks me as we exit the kitchen.
We pass by the guards that are still standing by the front doors, though I'm sure they aren't the exact same people as before. I can't tell because they wear helmets. They look more like masks instead of helmets though because they seem to be much more light weight and flexible, but I'm sure are just as strong and capable.
"Why do they have to wear helmets?" I ask Alexander softly once we've passed them and are outside out of their hearing range.
"For protection and so that if people they know come around they won't bother them while they're working. Of course, they aren't allowed to tell people that they work as guards here either."
"Oh." Alexander grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together as we walk and I can feel a faint blush rise to my cheeks.
"I was thinking we should get shopping for your clothes out of the way first." Alexander says and I nod in agreement.
"Sounds good."
I admire our surroundings as Alexander and I walk hand in hand down the cobblestone street.
"This place is just so beautiful." I say softly.
"I'm really glad you like it. I mean it is where you'll be living now." Alexander teases me at first, but his smirk turns into a heart-melting smile as he looks at me.

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