|Chapter Five|

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Alexander gives me one last longing look before we head down the stairs and towards the dining room containing all of his family. My palms begin to sweat and I get nervous about being in the same room as all of them.
Alexander grabs my hand when he senses my anxiety,"Don't worry, everything will be fine." He reassures me and I nod, taking a deep breath to try and calm myself. We enter the dining room and Alexander pulls me with him towards the two chairs across from Charlie and Lucy. At one end of the table, to our left, sits Topaz who grins at us and I'm a bit creeped out because it's a wierd expression on him. At the other end of the table sits who I assume is Alexander's oldest brother. He has black curly hair that comes just past his shoulders and green eyes along with stubble on his face. He doesn't look as harsh as Charlie but he also certainly didn't compare with Lucy's childishness.
"Ashley, this is my oldest brother Xasper. Xasper, this my mate Ashley."
"I-it's nice to meet you." I stutter softly as Xasper stares at me.
"C'mere you." He walks towards me as I stand up uncertainly. He pulls me into a crushing hug and I squeak in surprise.
"Don't be so formal with me, we're family now." Xasper says as he grins at me.
"I- I can't breathe." I wheeze out from being squished against his large frame.
"Oh, sorry." He says as he immediately let's me go.
Alexander stands up and pulls me gently into him."Give him to me before you break him." He growls out at his brother.
Xasper rubs the back of his neck,"I said I was sorry."
"I don't care, if you hurt him I'll hurt you." Alexander threatens his brother.
"Boys, sit down before I hurt both of you." Topaz says harshly and Alexander guides me back to my chair as we all sit down.
"Ashley, I hope you like chicken." Topaz says as the help brings out plates of food and sits one in front of each of us.
"Y-yes sir." I nod, my hair falling into my face as I do so. I pull it back from my face and to one side, exposing part of my neck. I blush when I notice Alexander looking at me and quickly look away from him and down at my food. I pick up my fork as everyone else does and begin to eat.
"So Ashley, how are you finding being mated to a prince?" Topaz asks.
I look up at him with my mouth full of food, I shrug helplessly since I can't exactly answer.
"Dad," Alexander groans." Leave him alone, he's trying to eat."
"Fine, fine." Topaz agrees.
The rest of the dinner goes by in silence and the moment I sit my fork down, done with my food, Alexander grabs my hand and pulls me up and out of my seat.
"Okay, goodnight everyone." Alexander says and Topaz just raises his eyebrows at Alexander but otherwise doesn't say anything as I am pulled out of the room. We head upstairs and Alexander shuts his door behind us.
"So I was thinking..." Alexander trails off and I sit on his bed.
"Yeah?" I ask softly.
"Will you go on a date with me tommorow?" He asks and I blush.
"S-sure." I reply because I would honestly love to, I'd never been on a date before.
"Great!" He says happily."Let's get ready for bed then."
"Oh, um, by the way, what am I going to do about clothes? I don't have any besides the ones I'm currently wearing." I ask something that probably should have crossed my mind much sooner but hasn't.
"I'll buy you some, but for now you can wear some of my clothes."
"Hmm." He hums as he turns and goes into his closet."Where are those..." I can hear him mumble to himself and I giggle quietly.
"Aha!" Alexander comes to stand in front of me, handing me a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt.
"These are the smallest clothes I own. Actually, I think at one point they might've belonged to Lucy. I'm not sure why I still have them." He explains.
"Oh, t-thank you." I stand up and head into the bathroom to get changed. Though the clothes were the smallest he had they were still pretty big on me and I huff in frustration because I'm so small. Picking up my dirty clothes I carry them with me as I come out of the bathroom.
"What should I do with my dirty clothes?" I ask sheepishly.
"Give them here, I'll get someone to wash them so you can wear them tommorow when we go out." Alexander says and I hand him my dirty clothes.
"I'll be right back." He reassures just before he leaves the room.
I walk towards the bed and flop onto it, sprawling my tiny frame out on the big bed. I snuggle my face closer to the cover that has Alexander's scent on it. The smell kind of reminded me of the beach. My eyes begin to get droopy but I jump awake when I hear Alexander chuckle.
"As comfortable as you are, I need you to scoot over so that I can sleep too."
"Geez, don't scare me like that! Next time you might give me a heart attack." I say with my hand pressed over my my chest and racing heart.
"I'm sorry precious, I'll warn you next time okay?" He says warmly to me as I scoot over for him to sit down.
"Good." I say as I get up under the fluffy covers.
Alexander turns out the lamp once he's situated and we are left in darkness. Though, it's not completely dark, there's a soft blue glow that shines down from the skylight and it's oddly comforting.
"Ashley?" Alexander asks me softly.
"Yeah?" I ask back.
"Can I hold you?"
"I don't see why not." I chuckle softly and butterflies swirls in my stomach as he scoots closer as pulls me to him. I rest my head on his chest and the soothing lull of his heartbeat makes me even sleepier.
"Goodnight Alexander." I whisper sleepily.
"Goodnight Ashley." I faintly hear Alexander say because I'm already drifting off.

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