|Chapter Four|

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"Dad, this is my mate Ashley." Alexander introduces and I kind of just awkwardly stand there while gripping tightly onto Alexander's hand for support and comfort.
"H-hello." I whisper to the intimidating man sitting before me. He silently stares at me with his pastel green eyes from behind his big marble desk. His hair is very short and also a pastel green, his cheek bones sit high on his face and his face is diamond shaped. He is wearing a white fur coat and he is just very intimidating and extravagant at the same time.
"Darling, darling," He says breaking the tense minutes of silence and smiling as he comes around the large desk towards me. His smile completely and drastically changes everything about him, making him seem warm instead of the cold aura I had been feeling five seconds prior. He hugs me and I'm still a bit intimidated but manage to lightly hug him back, which was more of a pat on the back than anything.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, welcome to the family." He tells me happily.
"I-its nice to meet you as well." I say softly back to him.
He immediately turns cold again as he turns his attention towards Alexander.
"Next time, Alexander, at least tell me if you're going out."
"Yes dad." Alexander agrees rolling his eyes, pulling me closer to him and farther away from his dad.
"Oh, yes, by the way Ashley my name is Topaz."
"O-okay." I say softly.
"Well," Alexander interrupts loudly."I would like to go so I can spend more time with my mate."
"I'll see you both at dinner then." Topaz says as Alexander begins to pull me away from his intimidating father.
"Well, he is... Interesting." I say softly as Alexander pulls me upstairs.
"He certainly is." Alexander agrees as he pulls me into his room, shutting the door behind him. I settle comfortably on his bed and he pulls my feet into his lap as he sits down.
"Brother!" A voice sing songs as someone, for the second time that day, bursts through the door.
Alexander sighs loudly,"Can I not be left alone for five minutes?"
"Sorry." The blonde boy says sheepishly from the doorway before skipping into the room anyways.
"I heard you found your mate!" He says his excitement immediately going all the way back to one hundred.
"You could've just waited until dinner to meet him." Alexander says in exasperation.
"I know, I know," The boy pauses.
"But I just couldn't wait!" He squeals and I flinch away from the sudden, deafening sound that pierces my ears.
"Oh and he's such a cutie." He says once he's calmed down and he leans forward to look at me curiously. His face is way too close to mine and it makes me uncomfortable.
"Hiya, it's nice to meet you I'm Lucy the second oldest." Lucy says in a chipper voice, holding his hand out for me to shake. I'm surprised by his words because he's pretty short and by the way he acts you would think he's younger than Alexander. Lucy's hair is long and reaches about the middle of his back. He has striking soft pink eyes and wears cute overalls that have daisies all over them and stop at his upper thighs revealing the light tan skin of his legs. Lucy's cheeks have a blush that seems to be permanently stained there.
I shake it gently,"I'm Ashley." I introduce myself softly.
"You're so cute!" He squeals again and I flinch, again. "It makes me just want to squeeze the life out of you." Lucy makes the gesture of squeezing me with his arms and I unconsciously scoot closer to Alexander on the bed. Alexander puts his arm around me comfortingly, pulling me into his side.
"No one will be squeezing the life out of anybody here." Alexander says and Lucy pauses.
"You know I didn't mean that literally." He says sheepishly, fiddling with his fingers for a moment.
"Can you leave now?" Alexander asks bluntly but it comes out sounding less like a question and more like a demand.
"Oh, yes, I suppose I could. I'll see you at dinner!" Lucy exclaims before he skips out of the room.
"How many more brothers do you have?" I ask softly in exasperation.
"Just one more." Alexander reassures me as his fingers start to play with my hair. I blush but lean into the soothing touch.
"Do like it when I play with your hair?" Alexander asks and my cheeks brighten even more.
"I do." I admit softly and he grins at me.
"You're so cute." Alexander leans forward and nuzzles his nose with mine, keeping his hand in my hair.
"You like doing that don't you?" I ask him as he gazes at me with quite a lot of affection in his eyes.
"What?" He asks though I can tell by the look in his eyes that he knows exactly what I'm referring to.
"Nuzzling our noses together." I blush and look away but Alexander turns my face back towards him.
He chuckles,"Just like I like your cute little red cheeks. So don't hide them from me precious."
I bite me lip as I nod.
"I can't believe how lucky I am to have someone as wonderful as you as my soulmate."
I smile softly at that and a warmth begins to spread through my chest.
"That should be my line." I tease softly. My eyes widen briefly when I notice his chest is glowing faintly like earlier. Looking down I notice mine is glowing again as well.
"Why does that happen?" I ask quietly as I look back up, meeting his beautiful coral pink eyes.
"It happens whenever we feel strongly towards one another. Or whenever our bond as soulmates is getting stronger."
"Oh." I look down at my hands in thought." You know, I never could've imagined ending up somewhere like here. I was always just the soft son of a pirate and then my father died and I was dumped in the ocean to drown and now I'm the soulmate of someone who is incredibly caring and kind. It's just kind of hard to get used to it right now but at the same time it is just simply wonderful." My cheeks redden as I speak.
Alexander lifts my face to look at him,"I understand that it's hard for you. You've been through a lot in so little time and you haven't been given any time to really be able to process things, but I'm here for you and I will continue to be whenever you need me. With time you'll get used to things." Alexander rests his forehead softly on mine as he gazes affectionately at me. He begins to lean forward and my heart races in my chest, his lips hover just a millimeter away from mine and my eyes flutter closed.
"Boys, time for dinner!" Topaz yells at us from down the stairs and we pull away from each other.

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