Turns Out I Really Do Love Her.

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I could hardly sleep that night. I was glad she finally could trust me enough to tell me everything. Turned out I was right. All the hell she'd been put through. All because one little piece of scum decided he was obsessed with her. The way she described beating him up to near death, explained the so called grief accident after Gia jumped.
Alex Cianti was not only in a deep coma for two years, his facial nerve was permanently damaged. Any amount of repair would not be able to permit him to use the right half of his face again and his speech would be permanently slurred. Well, remind me not to piss my woman off.
Surprisingly, Cass's name wasn't in any circle. No traces of an actual training. What she told me definitely corroborated with all the cold  domestic terrorism cases. But then again, even after gaining so much clearance, the higher ups were only suspecting the Ciantis and had been doing so for 45 years now. Because she was right, they had records cleaner than most citizens. So clean it made one wonder whether they ever left their homes or no. And so much money could never be because of family inheritance and investments, no one was that lucky.
Slowly I began putting the pieces together, first for the domestic terrorism cases and then proceeded to put the pieces together, for the current case I was working on. I could not for sure trace
everything back to them but knowing what she knew, I was sure Cass could help me here, better than anyone else. Given the fact that she's reckless I would have to slow her down and force her to think, but if she was right, we could be taking down a huge crime syndicate all together.
There was a sudden movement under me. Cass was shaking, and sweating and was this close to crying, I could barely tolerate it. She was in pain. And not the stupid night mare variety. She was in pain because she hardly tolerate someone touching her without consent, much less being able to control her every move by holding her own family leverage over her head. She would never forgive this. If I left it to her she would probably do something like individually set each one on fire.
She had to shake herself out of the dream, because if I did I'd be dead before morning. She was egotistical like that. About  two minutes later I gave up and shook her awake. She rubbed her eyes as if she couldn't believe that that was just a dream. I'd had a fair idea of what she was seeing, but I was too scared to ask. I didn't think I could stomach hearing it, if she had been forced and had not told me to keep my sanity safe.
Cass turned to me and settled herself on my chest again. They way she rubbed up against me was so intimate. And she didn't even realise that because she was half asleep. Inspite of the fact that I was terrified of what she might have seen, I gave her the surface and the friction, that she seemed to need in her sleep. I rolled us over, and slowly traced a line from her collarbones all the way down to her belly button.
The moan that followed was heavenly. She was still sleeping, so she probably thought that now she was having a really hot dream. If I had any hope of starring in that dream I'd better get my game on.
I traced my hands lower and lower till I reached her vulva. And with a surprisingly strong grip for someone who's still asleep-ish, she forced one of my fingers into her vagina. That was so hot, I nearly exploded behind her. Nearly, being the important word here. I wouldn't till she woke up and made me, because right now this was about her. Her wet dream, that was driving me up the wall crazy.
She kept rubbing her self harder and harder on my finger, I knew that that wasn't going to be enough, so I gently eased another finger in, and this time I stilled her hips, with my other hand while giving her the stimulation she wanted. She was close alright because now all I could hear was," Oh....hmmm....hmmmmmmmmm...Adri, please...."
Oh no, she would never have to beg. I wouldn't let her. I'd give her anything and everything she wanted and needed and more. She kept getting closer and closer till she finally exploded and suddenly woke up at the same time.
"So, I wasn't really dreaming about the fingering was I?"
She turned towards me and before she could say anything in that beautiful voice of hers I captured her lips. She tasted like the hot chocolate I'd made for her before she went to sleep.
I had always been shy to go down on women and quite frankly till I didn't feel a certain connection, I just wouldn't. It made me look and seem very cold but I couldn't be bothered.
Not with Cass though. I couldn't wait to go down on her,everytime she so much as looked at me. I wanted to show her I loved her. That my touch would never hurt her. That I'd keep her safe even when she thought she didn't want it. I did just that, with every kiss, every stroke and every thrust, I showed her, that I loved her. There was no other way or option here. For me it was her. It had always been her. Right from the moment I'd seen her when we were 10. I'd loved her then. I'd loved her when I was away. I'd loved her when she was barely talking to me when I was away. I'd loved her even more when she decided to tell me everything. It told me she trusted me, with her love and now her life.
I kept getting her higher and higher till she finally let out a loud cry, and came apart for the second time tonight.
I immediately rushed up to kiss her, when I realised that she'd been crying the whole time. Now whether it was happy or sad I didn't know. But when she opened her eyes for me I understood, it was happy tears. She'd finally come to the same conclusion I had so many years ago. That she loved me. That for better or for worse we were in this together. That I would protect her, as much as she would protect me. And that the Cianti jerks could try their hardest, they would still never succeed in killing my woman, my Cass.

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