My Abilities Suck....For Me Only!

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I was in pain. Now I know you've heard this from so many people in so many languages. But remember, how I told you, that when you think you know what pain is, and you're not even in it's neighbourhood, I was wrong. I wasn't even in it's plane of existence. Everything was blurry, my bones felt like someone was purposely hammering it. My blood felt like I put it my kettle to boil, and my muscles went on coiling, and spasming. I could feel the lady's hands on mine. I could hear Adri trying to use his medical knowledge to prevent me from slipping into a coma. I could smell abuela and Gia's fear, that they would lose me. I could hear the faint growling of a dog......when did we get a dog?...
I knew if I opened my eyes, there would be screaming and shouting, and I didn't think I had it in me, to take any of that at all. But curiosity got better of me, and I opened my peepers.
Someone needed to shut that light source!!
I'd find a switch soon enough. I opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the light, to no avail. The pounding in my head wasn't going to go away that easy. I looked around, I couldn't see anyone, why was I back in Ohio though...
I ran through the hallway, and saw a woman. It was the same lady, only less haggard. She had Gia's hair, long curly and blonde, and Alex's facial features. This woman, well she looked a hell of a lot like abuela too. Who is she, and why does she keep smiling at me.
Oh wait a minute, didn't abuela say she'd had two daughters, one presumed dead and one given away...could that be baby number find out...well keep tuning in to 'My life can really suck balls'. If my life was a TV show, that's what it's title is.
I walked towards that lady as she kept beckoning me forward...wonder where that would take me. She took me down to the ground floor and then the basement. In that assholes house, or as I'd like to call it, sinkhole, basement had two levels. The drug level and below that, the whore level. It was the whore level she was taking me to.
When we got there, the scene changed. It was abuela, she was heavily pregnant. She was telling someone next to her," I'm pregnant with twins. I hope they're fraternal, that way scolding is easy." She grinned my grin, she was so happy.
The scene changed again. It was raining heavily, a woman was running away with a baby. Blonde hair, blue eyes, slightly oval face, she looked like my mom, Gia, me,...and a lot like abuela if she was younger.
My suspicions got confirmed when I saw the woman under the hood. It was abuela. She was giving away this baby too. She knew they wouldn't live out two days if Grandpa Cianti so much as saw them. But as soon as she left the baby, in the other woman's arms, there was gunfire. Someone was shooting at her from behind, and to add to it, they burned that house down. Oh no wonder, she was presumed dead.
The scene changed again, this baby was a grown up now, her name was Maria Claire Ferguson. She went to college, and had a degree in veterinary medicine. She met one George Cianti, and had Alex.
The scene changed again. George married Maya. Maya was the only child and heir of a very prominent Russian cartel, The Nikolskis. Maria found out, and she left with Alex. Grandpa Cianti caught both and tossed the woman in the basement prison, and took Alex away. George freed her, what, he's a human person, here I just assumed he was hatched out of an egg. That slimy reptile.
The scene changed again to Maya finding out, and losing her shit. Around the same time, she found out that Maria was pregnant, and that she could never have children. Well, you now know, that too much weed makes you babyless.
She was kept separate from those two kids, and they could not be killed, because who their mother was. But worse things would happen. I could see Maya's resolve.
Wait up!! This made Gia and Alex my cousins....God he wanted me...So game of thrones I tell you.
But I get Gigi as my sister. Not that she was any less to me anyway. But she wasn't completely demon spawn. Her mother was just like her. More like she was exactly Maria. Now I understood why, the resemblance between me and Gia, and Gia and abuela. Wow this was too much.
The scene changed again. Maya had Maria clapped in chains in the far end of the whore chambers. She made Alex, well, clearly do illegal things to her, or Maria would be killed.  Oh poor Alex, getting old women off, isn't easy really. That made me understand why I was in such popular demand with him. Well, he had mommy issues, clearly.
That can't be easy to cope with. It also explains the backdoor entry necessity. Jeez....
The scene changed again. They didn't know Maria's origin. But they did suspect. That was enough for Alex to get a Prince's treatment. And Gia on the other hand had to be trained early on, to be dispensable, as well as highly dangerous.
Let me just emphasize on how fucked up this entire family is. It's nuts..I know they're weirdly related and inter related to me, but that's just dumb bad luck.
Suddenly, everything went blank. I could feel a hand on mine, and could hear screaming and shouting again. Weird, I thought that was over.
The lights were so blinding. I closed my eyes tight, and when I reopened them, I could see Maria again.
" Look what they made me." She rasped. She needed urgent medical assistance. I tried to speak, to call for Adri, or Gia or anyone who would hear me. But to no avail. She spoke to me again," My children. They're ruined. My Alex, they destroyed him, my boy, was so good, so pure. They....diabolos, they destroyed him, I was made to watch. Kill them all, child, avenge your ancestors. But remember, they're not the only ones. This is bigger than you think."
And just she had come, she was gone, and this time I knew, she would never return. I also knew, that if I went to the basement chambers, I would find the body of one very sad, and destitute, Maria Claire Ferguson.

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