Hi, I Know What You're Thinking......

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I have never been a very violent person. Even in the military, I never liked long, drawn out, interrogations. They bothered me from the inside out.
Even if I did speak less, whenever I did speak, it was useful. I have never, in this lifetime, in so far, engaged in a mindless conversation or even small talk, with anyone but my current warrior princess, love of my life, Cassie.
Back in my military days, I remember a span of about a year and a half, I could barely remember anything from that time. Surprisingly, I never did any kind of drug(Except my beautiful girlfriend, of course)abuse, alcohol, nothing. Unless you're trying to tell me, someone was knocking me on my head constantly, and giving me multiple concussions. That's highly improbable. I mean, give me a break, I would've caught someone bonking me on the head continuously.
That's not the point, the point of this narration, is that, after that span of time, it was like I had a growth spurt. I put in very little to effort, but my abs, my quads, my biceps, you name the muscle, I had it all. I was around 20 at the time. And that height burst. Up until high school, I was shorter than my girlfriend, I knew that, because that was almost a reason to not ask her out. She tall, strong, powerful, like an Amazon. Reaching a height of 5'6" at 14 was quite a stretch. Somehow, when I saw her again, after almost 12 years, she'd only grown, more, physically sure, but I was talking mental growth too. She had clearly accepted, her good and more importantly, her evil. She looked more grounded, more at peace, not angry, as much as strategizing.
I knew her, inside out, past and present, her good and her bad. Unfortunately, she couldn't say the same about me. She thought she knew, and if she followed her instincts perfectly,I wouldn't have to tell her.
Occam's razor: Remove all the impossible solutions, the simplest one is the answer.
In my case, if you applied the rule, the answer wasn't in this realm of thought. I just hoped, with everything I had, that she would be able to accept the answer. Because, after all this, after everything we went through, I couldn't accept any other answer.
The scariest moment of my life happened just about an hour or so back. I saw her bleeding. Neck slash. I knew what I needed to do. I just kept hoping against hope, that she was delirious enough, to miss what I had to do to bring her back or what it's implications would be.
I had to give her some of my blood. It wasn't going to be easy after that. I would be able to see every thought she would ever have. Her mind was her weapon. Not only would it protect and defend her, it was also what kept her sane and healthy. It was her privacy, her home.
Invading such a private place, it was intolerable, specially for someone like my amazing girl. I had introduced the gene in her body, that made supernatural happen. Knowing what I knew about her, and the natural draw I had towards her, I knew she had it dormant. It made sense,as to why, her presence in the Cianti family mattered so much to them.
Why they were after her bloodline. Why they would kill any number of people or hold them leverage over her head. I couldn't even fathom what she's gone through, without any idea, as to why she was specifically targeted. Those jackhole bastards.
It's not just the fact, that my Cassie, was the strongest person I ever knew. It was also the fact that they completely stole her childhood, innocence and everything she had a right to have. Only that she was sane enough, to want to carry her life forward. Dreams of a career or a family, it was almost unheard of, in her kind of a situation. Usually, people of her category would succumb to this life, and if they were too stubborn, they would be killed, mercilessly. My Cassie, had survived. Against all odds, against everything she got, every bad card, she turned into something perfect.
She got dealt with lemons, and she was the only person I knew who would turn that to chocolate cake and leave everyone wondering, where the lemons went.
As far as being blood tied went, I would tell her my truth in time, not a moment before. But I could only hope and pray, that neither would she find out before I told her, nor would she be too impatient. Tall order, I know. But nothing wrong with hoping against hope I say. She would call it, ridiculously optimistic. But there is little she can do change that fact.
She's my one and my only. But my one and only, is extermely observant. It's all I can do now, to keep the truth from her, just a little longer. Not because I'm ashamed or something. I am super proud,  and happy, of what I was and what I am now. It's only that I'm worried, she might just finally lose all her tags on life, because all of her beliefs would be repeatedly challenged so long as she would have me.
And even if she wouldn't, the creepy, stalker-y person I have become would never, ever let her leave, specially, after what we had shared an hour back.
It's not like she hasn't noticed my growling, or seen the fact that I was able to polish that army of baboons of in a minute, maybe less. Or scare the wits out of those shower bastards. She only hasn't said anything, in so far, because she respects privacy. She is trying to give me the benefit of the doubt. And knowing her, I know how tough that is for her. I can only hope and pray, she trusts me a little while more, and lets me in her life, as a permanent fixture.

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