DDM: He meets your First Boyfriend

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Harry: ( age 5 )

You stumbled to find your Violet sparkle dress and pink shoes that had white bow on them, you ran downstairs to find your dress, but you couldn't find it.

"Mummy" You looked in your Mum and Dads room to find your Dad with your older brother Tommy watching the game

"  Bug what's wrong " your Dad asked 

" I can't find my Dress daddy " you pouted

" I thought we were going to the park baby " Harry asked

" we are I need my dress I wanna look pwetty for Carter " you smiled as Tommy laughed

" Bug whose Carter " Harry thought

" Carter is her little boyfriend " Tommy laughs as you face palm

" You no tell him " You pout running to find your dress

Louis: ( age 12 )

You sat by the swing set in your neighbourhood park watching as your Dad played with your younger brother, it seemed like he had forgotten you, but you couldn't care less about him, because you got yourself a beautiful boyfriend named Jonas, he had golden blonde hair and green eyes. You felt hands cover your eyes and you smiled knowing that it was Jonas, you let out a soft giggle, as he sat beside you on the swings. The both of you started talking about mindless things like the school gossip when you saw your little brother fell off of the monkey bars, you shrugged and went back to talking with Jonas

" Y/N Y/M/N TOMLINSON WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOUR BROTHER " your Father screamed you and Jonas Flinched at the sound of his voice

" and who is this " your father eyed you and Jonas 

" This is Jonas my boyfriend, I don't know what happened to Jacob nor do I care " you said in a monotone voice and went back to happily talking to Jonas, you turned back to see your Father with tears in his eyes. Boy you would have a lot of explaining to do when you got home

Niall: ( age 4  )

You and your Older brother Nathen went to the park everyday when your Dad, Niall was on tour, and everyday at the Park you would play with your new friend John. So when your Dad came back from tour he took you and Nathen to the park

" Hey y/n " John shouts from the slide and you run over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek

" y/n whats dat for?" John asks 

" my broder says thats what you do to someone you really like " you smile

" oh otay " John says kissing you on the cheek as well

" do you wanna be my Girlfriend y/n " John asks and you look at him confused

" what dat mean Johnny " you ask puzzled 

" it like what your broder said when you like someone thats who they are " he says proudly and you nod, you and your new 'boyfriend' play for a while until your Dad comes to get you 

" y/n sweetie say bye bye to yer friend " your Dad says in his thick Irish accent and you and John laugh

" Silly daddy John no my friend he my Boyfriend " you say proudly as your Dad laughs

" You bes be taken care of mah little Girl mate " he chuckles

~~~~~~~ Fast forward Twenty years ~~~~~~~~

 "Do you take Y/n as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part" the priest says at your Wedding 

" I do " John says smiling

" I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit" John says

 "Do you take John as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part"

" I do " you giggle

"I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit" you breath

" I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride "

" who knew that the two of them would end up together " your Dad sighs with Nathen and his wife by his side

Liam ( age 7 )

" Abby what if he doesn't show up " you sighed to your older sister as she laughed

" come on y/n he'll be here, now come on our cousins want to play " Abby says dragging you out of the room

You and your Cousins play for a while until there is a knock at the door

" I'LL GET IT " you hollar to your Family

" ABBY HE CAME HE REALLY CAME " you shout to your sister

" of course he did y/n " 

You gasp as you open the door, to see your 'boyfriend' Alex and his twin sister Allie standing at the door. Alex had a red rose and a stuffed Puppy in his hand while Allie had a bag of gifts

" Happy Birthday Y/N " Alex and Allie yell together and you smile

| Liam POV |

" Cheryl love who is that " I ask my wife

" Love thats y/n little boyfriend " she giggles

" What boyfriend " I gasp 

" Don't worry love its only a little thing " 

~~~~~~~ Fast forward Twenty years ~~~~~~~

" Come on Y/n one last push " the doctors say as you let out on final push then to hear the cries of your new baby boy Greyson James Gomez. The Nurse wraps him in a little blue baby blanket, the door opens to see your Mum and Dad carrying your oldest Daughter Louise.

" Mummy is that my baby broder " Louise giggles and you and Alex nod, the door opens again and its Allie and her twin boys

" He's such a little sweetheart Bessie " Allie cooes at Greyson

" Mr Payne do you want to hold him " Alex asks your Dad as he chuckles 

" whats his name " your Mum asks

" Greyson James Gomez " you breath and your Dad looks at your with happy eyes

Zayn: ( age 14 ) 

" Dad please just be nice to him " you yell from your room as you finish curling your hair

" No promises Y/n " your Dad yells back from the kitchen everything is quiet until you hear a knock on the door 

" I'll get it Daddy " as you sprint to the door

" Hey Daniel " you say kissing your boyfriend of three weeks on the cheek

" So this is where my beautiful Girlfriend lives " he says in your ear as you smile

" Okay stop being so lovey dovey you two and lets eat some dinner " your Mum smiles and you and Daniel nod and sit at the table. The four of you eat in silence for a while until you had to go to the rest room

" So Daniel is that right " you hear your Dad say

" yes Mr Malik your right " Daniel says

" What do you want to do with my daughter " he whispers loudly you hear Daniel glup and your Mum clear her voice

" Mr Malik I love your Daughter very much and I would do nothing to hurt her " you smile at the kindness of your boyfriend

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