DDM; Your first pet

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Harry ( age 2 )

You and your Uncle Niall were sitting on the couch watching Coco when you saw the dog, Dante. You have asthma so you couldn't have a dog, you frowned at Dante you always wanted a dog but you couldn't have one. It was only you and your Uncle Niall because your Dad went somewhere he said something about picking something up from the airport.

You heard the ring of the doorbell and suddenly ran to the door only to be greeted by a crate

" Da what this " you pointed to the box, as you put your hand on the gate a warm nose was placed to your palm. You gasped as you saw the Xolo dog he looked just like Dante.

" Da for me?" you asked your Dad and he nodded, you squealed opening the gate only to be tumbled over by the dog

Louis ( age 12 )

You had been diagnosed with a stutter, it wasn't very noticeable but you could still hear the stutter. It would flare up whenever you got stressed since 8th grade was coming up soon, your Dad decided to get you a German Shepard service dog named Desiree.

Niall ( age 14 )

It was your fourteenth birthday and so far you hated it, you were stuck in the hospital for the past week, you had gotten in a really bad car crash leaving you in a cast for about a month. You watched the TV they had put in your room, and ate the food your Dad snuck in. Niall left about an hour ago to get your gift. You put down the spoon and fork and gazed out the window. As you heard the shake of the doorknob you looked to see you dad holding a tiny white bunny. 

" Happy Birthday baby girl, " Niall said handing you the bunny

" Its so cute Dad thank you " you gushed 

Liam ( age 5 )

You and your Dad already had a pet Turtle well it was more of his turtle, so you and he went out to get something for the turtle when you saw this grey and white chinchilla.

" Daddy look its a Chinchilla can I get it please Dad please " you pouted and your Dad looked at you then at the Chinchilla. 

" I guess but your Mother isn't gonna be happy " he groaned finding a sales assistant, he had started to fill out the paperwork to get your Chinchilla, when he heard you talking to it

" We're going to have so much fun, I think I'll name you Bailey " he gushed at the sight of his daughter

Zayn ( ag 16 )

Your mum had never wanted any pets, but when you opened your door there stood a box with a grown grey and brown cat standing inside. 

" Mum Dad why is there a cat outside my door " you yelled taking the cat in your arms

" we found her outside of the house, " your mum said looking at the TV, you shrugged and brought the cat back into your room 

" Hmm what should I name you, " you thought

" well you look like a cat ( no duh )" you looked around your room and started to think, after a while you gave up on thinking and went to the kitchen to grab a chocolate chip muffin and some iced tea.

" I know I'll name you Muffin " you grinned at the cat who had fallen asleep

A/n see what I did on Zayn's if you go back to the chapter called " he tweets a picture of you " that's a picture of what the cat looks like

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