DDM; you take him bra shopping

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A/N omg thank you guys for almost 300 reads, this means so much to me. Thank you all for reading

Harry ( age 12 )

" Please Auntie Gemma " you begged over the phone

" Bug just ask your Dad he'd be happy to take you, right Harry " she spoke over speaker phone, you looked over at your Dad who was beat red

" fine " you sighed 

The next Day 

You and your Dad were at the mall, as you looked up at him he cracked his knuckles and you made your way into the store 

" Why does this not make you uncomfortable " you looked up at your brother who was asking a sales person for your size

" its a normal thing I guess " he sighed 

Louis ( age 18 )

You and Louis had been internet shopping a few weeks ago for some new computers, cameras and tablets to renew your old ones. Louis had no idea that you had gone onto Victoria's Secret and bought a bunch of bras and other lingerie that he would love. The doorbell rang and the delivery guy was at the door. You signed off the packages and brought them in to the dining table.
"Hey Lou, you unpack, I'll be back." You mentioned, as he nodded, getting up to unpack the parcels.
He finished with the things you both had ordered and noticed there was more, but he didn't know what it was. He curiously unpacked it and saw what was there. He raised his eyebrows as he brought the bras upstairs where you were.
"Hey babe, you never told me you ordered these?" He said looking down.
"Yeah, I ordered heaps" you mentioned, his head shot up and you blushed

" Dad i'm Eighteen and it was my money "

Niall ( age 21 )

Niall and you were in the shops, just browsing and you decided to go into a really popular bra store that you had seen. You needed new bras since you were getting ready to pack for the world tour. You were looking around, deciding on what to buy. You picked up a bra and you were looking at it to see where you'd be able to wear that one.
"(Y/N!) LOOK!" You heard your Dad scream.
You turned around and saw him there with a bra over his shirt and one over his head.
"Oh my god Dad" You laughed so hard you couldn't breathe. "And you wonder why I don't take you shopping places like these"
"Okay fine I'll be serious" He said as he put the bra's back. As you were walking two separate directions, you went over to the white section as Niall went over to the push up bra section. He had been gone for a few minutes, but you didn't notice as you were still browsing your section. You picked a few that you liked and turned around to see Niall holding a lot of things that he liked from the section he was just at. 
" Dad please no " you gasped

" Y/n these are for me not you " he smirked 

Liam ( age 16 )

Liam was very shy when it came to things like this. He was a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation, but you thought it would be fun to get him out of his comfort zone for these types of things. You picked out the comfiest things while Liam sat in the change room

" Y/n hurry up " your Dad shouted

" Jus' wait outside Dad "

Zayn ( age 19 ) 

 "Dad!" You scold, glaring at your Dad through the dim lights of Victoria Secrets. 

"Quit touching everything!

"Sorry babe." Zayn tells you, dropping the silk thong he was holding. 

"It's just, they're so soft!"

"Seriously?" You glare at him, watching as the few customers around send him odd looks.

"Yes, seriously!" He huffs, picking up another pair feeling their 'softness'.

"I swear..." You mumble, shaking your head and resuming your bra shopping deciding to ignore Zayn and to allow him to resume his testing of underwear.

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