DDM; Louis Imagine

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Imagine for @niallsgirlos

School was just hell for you, people bullied you and teased you for having a famous dad. Minding your own business you walked into the school holding your head down in a pair of cuffed ripped jeans and a black sweatshirt. Suddenly you were slammed into a locker you could hear your glasses ( if you don't wear glasses, you do now for like fashion )  snap in half.

" Loser "

" Freak"

" Oh is your Dad going to sing to us "

" Weirdo " Every single day they would taunt you and make fun of you. Stumbling you walked into first-period science class and sat at the very back trying not to draw attention to yourself. Class went fine until the last few minutes of class when everyone was bored and you were the class experiment. Sarah and Millicent ( sorry if that's your name just change it ) plopped down beside you and tugged at your braided hair and pulled off your snapped glasses. It was just teasing until it started to get violent. Sarah pulled out some of your hair as Millicent pushed you back into a counter hitting your head. As self-defense, you pulled them down with you as you fell to the ground. 

Finally, Mr. Simons had come to see that a commotion had occurred

" Y/n what on earth are you doing on the ground, this is no time for foolishness go the office now!" Mr. Simons yelled, oh yeah Millicent her last name is non-other than Simons. Millicent Eliza Simons, that's why she never gets in trouble shes an asshole teachers daughter

As you made it into the office, you saw your Dad sitting in the office with a concerned look, He knew that you were bullied

" So Mr. Tomlinson I see that Miss Y/n Tomlinson over here has seemed to have a tendency to disrupt classes " Mr. Orgetty your principal said

" Well my daughter is being bullied in this stupid school anyway " Louis snapped

" Ahem I'm sorry I have to suspend y/n from school for three months, in a week we will send you a package of homework and lessons y/n will need to complete, " Mr. Orgetty said

" now y/n I hope you take this time to learn not to disrupt classes anymore," Mr. Orgetty said to you sternly, you rolled your eyes and walked away. You sat in the car with your Dad

" Y/n the lads and I have a tour next week, and I can't really leave you alone in the house for that long of a time, so you're going to have to go on tour with us, " my Dad said and I simply nodded

* 1 month later third leg of the tour *

It had been a month since the tour started and it was absolute hell, the school had clearly given you way too much homework then needed, and clearly, your Dad wanted you to do all of it. The lads were performing with a few hours left in the show, and you were stuck doing homework back at the hotel. You'd given up on homework hours ago so you decided it would be better to watch an old-time classic "Paris is burning". Sooner or later your dad came back into the room only to see you passed out in front of the tv piles of your un-finished homework on the table in front of you.

A/n ok ok I know the ending was pretty shitty but bare with me I got a few more imagines to do, and i'm still updating my new "mini series" Drag Drabbles because since it has been a few years since One Direction a girl has got to find a little something to obess over and that thing happened to be Rupauls Drag Race. If your over the age of 13 and can handle a little shade thrown, and have an open mind I sugest you watch the show. Currently all stars 4 is on, and i'm watching the third episode whilst watching this. So yeah bare with me,  I might be posting an upload schedule in a little while to my page so watch out for that. ;)

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