BSM; Harry

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Yeah I know the book says it's completed but why not lets update. I'll update if I get some requests in, so lemme know.

Harry had left you for a few hours with Louis and Liam, being six years old you'd already started schooling and you just had a few coloring pages for homework. So Liam thought that after your *very* hard homework you'd want to have a nap, right? Wrong. Louis tried to put you down for an after-lunch nap and almost succeeded, problem? He didn't stay to check if you had actually stayed asleep. Being smart at six, you figured that whenever he'd leave you'd wake up and just play with your toys. 

An hour went by and you 'woke' up to go to the kitchen for a snack, turns out Louis and Liam took a very well deserved nap, so you raided your snack pantry and things got out of hand. 

Louis and Liam woke up to a very hyper Y/n and more than a dozen open packs of candy and cookies. 

" Y/n do you know how mad your father will be when he finds out that you've been eating all this candy " Liam scolded. Maybe it was the candy but right now you felt like being bratty, Liam wasn't your daddy and he couldn't tell you what to do and not to do.  

" Y/n I'm gonna need to put you in timeout and call Hazza " you were shocked by this, how dare they call Hazza on you?  You kicked Liam in the shin, and he fell in pain. Liam was shocked, you were small but your kick was painful. 

" Y/n now I really NEED to call Harry on you, you can't just kick people when you don't get your way sweetheart, " Louis said trying to get you to sit on his lap, but instead you bit his hand in retaliation. 

" NO CALL HAZZA " you shrieked, the guilt of your actions slowly setting in you ran to your room and closed it. Pushing your barbie dream house to the door, you surely thought Harry couldn't get in. 

An hour later the door to your bedroom opened to reveal Harry standing there, you thought pretending to be asleep would get you out of the punishment but to no avail. 

" Y/n, I know you're awake," Harry said prodding at you, the act was up for you and you decided to wake up, your eyes fluttering as you 'slowly woke up' 

" Hi Hazzy, how you," You asked sweetly 

" So, Y/n I got a call from Louis and Lili that you were being naughty, were they right," Harry asked condescendingly 

" I no know what you mean, " you tried to keep up the act

" Bug, I think you do. Come on this isn't good behavior bug, I needa put you in timeout " Harry said condescendingly. Pouting you reluctantly followed him to the naughty step.

" Ok babes, that's six minutes plus 2 minutes for both Louis and Lili " 

" What? NO, only 6, I only six " you shrieked 

" Yeah babes but you still hurt Louis and Lili," Harry said turning his back from you

For the first 5 minutes, you screamed and cried hoping that Harry would take you from the naughty step, but to no avail. The last 3 minutes you sat and silently cried your way till Harry came to get you back from the naughty step. 

Harry brought you to his room and sat with you in his lap. 
"Babes you know why I put you on the naughty step?" Harry asked 

" Because I was being naughty " you sniffled 

" Yeah, so are you going to be naughty again "

" No more naughty, I good girl " you smiled 

" Yeah, and good girls get lots of ... cuddles " Harry said as he pulled you into a hug. 

The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon in bed watching Disney movies and cuddling 

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