DDM; Cute Moments

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Harry ( age 2 )

You and your Dad were laying on the couch as the two of you were watching Finding Dory, you snuggled into your Dads side, your curly hair in your face. You looked up at your Dad with big blue and green eyes and looked at your Dad with awe

" Bug what are you staring at? " Harry asked and you pointed at his ship tattoo

" Like Daddies tattoo babe?" he said pulling you onto his lap and you cuddled into the crook of his neck 

Louis ( age 12 )

It was your second time getting your period and you had no idea of what to do, you and your Dad were on tour with the boys. You just layed down in your bunk with some chocolate and your Dads Ipad when you got major cramps. You didn't think anyone was on the bus and you let out a heartbreaking cry of pain when you heard the sounds of two pair of footsteps when you saw your Dad and your uncle Zayn

" Babe whats wrong are you okay? " Zayn asked you brushing the hair and you just burst into tear

" Everything hurts, my stomach, my head and even my legs are hurting and I don't even know why I didn't even do anything. A-a-and I don't know what to do " you sobbed clutching on to your Dad's shirt he rubbed your back and quickly sshed you 

" Zayn can you go get the box under the bathroom, " Louis asked quietly as he carried you to his slightly bigger bunk. You were still crying but less and you still had Louis' Ipad in your hands as he laid you onto the bed

" Here mate," Zayn said handing him a red box with your name on it and you looked at him quizzically

" Grandma made it " he bluntly said and you nodded, your Grandma was the first to know when you got your period. You peaked inside the box and everything you needed was there Movies ( the notebook and all the Harry Potter films ) Lots of chocolate, a heating pad, pads/tampons, and a few bottles of water. Louis tucked both you and him into the sheets and he mounted the Ipad to the wall and you started to watch the first Harry Potter film while you were eating some chocolate covered chips ( Yes I really love those ) 

Niall ( age 23 )

You had just given birth to your first son Willam Oliver Gomes and your husband Alejandro Gomes asleep by your side and you laughed. Soon your Dad came in with your older brother Daniel

" Y/n I think this should be reversed " Daniel chuckled as he saw Alejandro sleeping

" is this William " your Dad cooed looking into the cot and you giggled though it was still painful

" He has the Bright blue Horan eyes," you said smiling as your Dad held his grandson

Liam ( age 14 )

You loved to dance it was your passion, your Dad had countless videos of you dancing when you were younger and now that you were older that still didn't change. Liam was your number one fan, he was always there whenever you had a competition and now this last dance would tell your future. This was for your audition reel to get into the most pristine dance academy if you made it in you would be the youngest dancer in the whole academy, sure the songs you dance too aren't so pristine but you deemed to get into the Hip-hop of the academy

( skip to 2:35 ^^^ for the dance reel )

Liam was the one who helped you film and edit and he found everything for his baby girl. When you got accepted into the school, you and your Dad went to some fancy restaurants to celebrate 

Zayn ( age 7 )

Your Mum had never wanted to be a part of you and your Dads life, she left when you were born. You had just started 3rd grade a few months ago and you had been bullied because you didn't have a Mom, every school event it was always your Dad coming to watch you perform. So when a teacher asked your Dad why you didn't have a Mum ( because teachers are nosey ) your Dad told her the whole story. About how she didn't want you and she wanted to get an abortion, but Zayn wouldn't let her saying that he would take care of you. When you had found out from your Dad himself telling it to the teacher you walked into the living room and started crying

" Dad why did she not want me " you sobbed as Zayn comforted you

" Shh she was stupid not to want you hun " he cooed cradling your small body, nerve wrecking sobs came out of your body, eventually he had got you to stop crying. He placed you in your Pastel Blue room and kissed your forehead.

A/N; I'm sorry if Zayn's didn't make much sense, but the mist of that is that. Your Mum didn't want you to be born, but Zayn told her to keep you, so when you were born your Mum just left and you grew up with Zayn and your four uncles. As you started going to school people would bully you for having no Mum so when a teacher asked Zayn he told her the story, you heard it and your heart hurt. So when you got home you were devastated about your Mum

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