Take them each day
They keep the demons away
Take one and a half a day no more no less
These pills will keep you from becoming a mess
To make sure you stay happy don't ever skip a day
The best way to stay is to keep all the pain away
These pills will do this just force them down
They are horrible but required
Though they make you tired
You must never skip for you will spiral back, dizzy and sick and seeing only red; Never skip your pills they are for the best
Your pills will keep your brain at rest
No dark thought will plague you except for a couple
Pills aren't perfect but make your brain a puddle
Sure I feel happier but that sickening green thing
Reminds me that my head is sick and something has been broken within me
How I hate them but still take them trying to outrun the black
Take sanctuary in them hoping to bring the sun back
I am promised that eventually I will, but sun seems so far away in my world of endless rain
Hopefully they are right and the pills will fix the painA/N: To those of you that also take depression meds.
Thoughts From a Spec in the Universe
PoésieSociety is a mess and my mind is in pieces. Thoughts and wonderings compiled into poems.