Ch 2 - I'll Protect You

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Obi-Wan's POV

It's been two years since I lost my mother and father. (Y/N) and I have been out of trouble so far, and we are making it by. A week ago I made a deal with this farmer. Said I'd work for him during the harvesting season to earn a little for (Y/N) and I. 

It has been great so far with that. (Y/N) sleeps at night better than I ever will. I worry of her safety more than anything. I can't lose her too. 

"Kenobi!" Fas yelled from the garden. "Coming, sir!" I yelled in response. 

I stood from my chair at the small table and ran to the garden outside of the hut. 

"Start picking some of the crops out for the harvest. Storms coming soon," Fas spoke. "Yes, master," I spoke in my soft voice. 

"I thought I told you not to call me that," Fas broke out in a cough, sitting up straight to see me. "Sorry, sir," I lowered my head then continued to go on with my work. Fas shook his head. "You're a good kid, Kenobi. I see so many great things in you." "Thank you, sir," I spoke softly again.

Fas sighed and dropped his crops he had picked into the basket beside him. "Go on," he grumped almost shooing me away, "Git." He said. I was confused by this, putting the crops in my hands into the basket beside me. "What?" "I said git, go on inside with your sister," Fas smiled the weakest smile I had ever seen. 

I smiled a toothy grin and ran inside the hut. (Y/N) sat on the floor of our room writing in her small journal. "You're done?" She looked at me with a confused look. "He gave me today off," I chirped and sat on my bed. (Y/N) smiled at me and jumped up from where she sat. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the garage. "Where are we going?" I laughed at her enthusiasm. "I fixed something up that I found in the junkyards!" She giggled, and in turn, I did as well.  

We reached the garage and (Y/N) had told me to cover my eyes, which I did. I laughed, "This is outrageous-" "JUST WAIT!" She giggled and flipped on the lights. I heard a couple of buttons being pressed and a few beeps here and there. "Okay... now!" She squeaked. I slowly opened my eyes to see a glowing little droid. In front of me sat an orange R4 unit. It beeped as if to be happy to see, well, people. "Wow," I awed in amazement, sitting in front of it looking at its features and designs. It beeped again making me laugh. "The lady that had it said he's a Jedi's friend, whatever that means," (Y/N) spoke sitting next to me. "Jedi?" I questioned, pressing a button that made a little satellite come out of the R4 units department. It beeped looking for a signal, which startled me, making me jump in my spot. "What's it doing?" (Y/N) watched it move. "I- I don't know..." 

I stood up from my spot and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. She continued to watch it while it's beeps become recognizable to us. Almost speaking the same language as us. "I like it," she spoke with a smirk. "It's cool!" 

"That it is, young one," I smiled at her, then back to the droid. "That is it."

Later that night-

I had awakened from my sleep from the sounds of something down in the garage. I looked to see if (Y/N) were awake, but to my luck she was asleep. I smiled at her, then getting out of my bed, I went to the garage. As I got closer, I could hear what sounded like whispering, maybe a conversation. 

I peaked my head around the doorway of the garage. The light was dimmed, but a figure stood in front of the R4 unit. I guess it was a conversation. "Who are you?" I questioned quietly. The man turned to me as if I were the one that frightened him. "Who are you?" He questioned back.

"My names Obi-Wan Kenobi," I spoke in my soft voice, taking a step into the room. The droid beeped and hobbled side to side at the sight of me. "What are you doing here?"

"My droid sent out a signal for the first in years. This was the location in which I was sent. My name is Qui-Gon Jinn."

"Your droid? What signal?" My tiny 12-year-old brain kept popping up with questions. 

"Where is your family at this hour, boy?" He asked me, sitting down on a step to speak to me face to face. I lowered my head, "I have none, but my younger sister (Y/N)," I spoke softly. "Mind if I ask of you what happened?" Qui-Gon spoke. "Storm troops. They raided our planet, and- and my parents tried to stop them but-" He stopped me. "And what do you do now?" "I help a farmer to help my sister. I cannot lose her too, sir." I spoke looking back up to the man in front of me. He nodded. "Why don't you come with the droid and me?"

"Oh no, sir, I cannot do that-" "It would be an honor," He smiled. I looked up to the hall that led to the main living area and thought of (Y/N). "What about (Y/N)?" "Her too, boy."

I smiled at the man in front of me. I shot up from my spot and ran to my room to get (Y/N).

"(Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N)!" I whisper shouted and gently woke her up. She groaned and asked of what I was doing. "We have a home," I mumbled packing a bag with our things, tossing it onto my back, and picking my sleeping sister up into my arms. "Let's go."

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