chapter sixteen

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Everything was foggy and hard to see, but I could just make out a ladder in the distance. Was this it? Was I finally getting out of this place?

I ran full speed towards the ladder, only to fall in a hole.

Seriously? Is this Harry Potter Pensieve thing going to keep on happening, or what?

I fell and fell for what seemed like hours until I finally got to the bottom of the hole.

I was in a church, during Christmas, I think. I looked around. My dad was wearing a green and black suit -- gross -- and mom was in a green dress -- again, gross. Oh! We were at my cousin, Yara's, Christening! Yara and I are eight years apart, but still besties. She was born when I was eight, and I fell in love with her the first time I saw her.

When she was thirteen months old, her first word was "Beff" which, personally, I think she was trying to say 'Beth' which is my name. Drew argued that she was trying to say 'bro' but, eh, I believe what I believe. Plus, if she was trying to say bro, she would be talking about Drew and we both know I'm her favorite. I needed to stop focusing on the past and start figuring out how to get out of here.

I walked forward, toward the front of the  church. I passed my mom, dad, and Drew. People didn't budge as I walked by them. In fact, they didn't seem to realize I was moving at all. I moved passed Yara and her parents, I moved passed everyone, even Father Ross. I turned around. No one noticed me. I jumped up and down and waved my hands like a complete idiot. No one even glanced at me.

Suddenly, I was falling. I fell and fell. It was cold and dreary and everyone was gone.

I appeared in my room. Not the one at my house, my hospital room. I looked around. There was my mom, dad, Drew, Claire, and my motionless body.

I stared at me. My frozen looking body, my pale, white face. I looked like I was sick, almost dead. Drew was standing against the wall with his arms tightly around Claire's shoulders. My mom got up and walked out of the room, my dad leaving shortly after.

None of them seemed to be crying, or feeling any emotion at all for that matter.

I saw that Claire had a baby blue diamond ring on her left ring finger, her engagement ring. Her tan skin and chestnut brown hair was in a low ponytail. She looked like she hadn't slept at all in forever.

How long had I been lying there, motionless?


bethany, you queen, wake up! WE ARE ALMOST AT PART THREE LETS GO hope you enjoyed. :)

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