Chapter 1

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A/N The reason why this girls hometown and name isn't in the story is because I haven't decided on it yet but still wanted to write the story 😅

Well here we go: 


I wake up to the familiar surroundings of my room. It looked the same as it always does, nothing in this room is different than any other day. What will happen today however is something very different to my usual day in my life filled with neglect and hate.

Today I will be collected by someone I don't personally know, only from TV and a little from the internet. His name is David Petruschin, better known as Raven.

I couldn't believe the news when I heard them. I remember that moment so clearly in my mind. The way my jaw drooped when I looked his name up on the internet. Raven's real name was unknown to me at the time so when the first picture that popped up was her in full drag you better believe I almost fainted.

The social service lady told me to search up his name so I could learn more about him, she told me that I could find plenty on the internet.

I've watched every single season of Drag Race and Raven truly was one of my favourites. That show was an escape for me, it was one of the only things to make me laugh in dark times and I will be forever grateful for this show because in all honesty I don't know what I would be doing without it. The confidence of these queens surprise me to this very day and they inspire me to be confident as well.

I was currently getting changed into some comfortable clothes, knowing that the plane ride to Riverside will be a long one.

I walked down the stairs and to no surprise my biological parents weren't present. It is so strange to think that I will leave this house for good because I'd grown so accustomed to it, even though I knew it did no good to my mental or physical health.

It read 9am on the clock hanging above the dinner table and I knew that the social worker would soon be here to collect me.

And before I knew it, the doorbell rang.

An overly cheerful lady wearing a pink suit and carrying a matching briefcase greeted me at the front door, telling me that we "didn't have much time" and that I should "hurry up and fetch my suitcase."

I did as she told me in that irritating high pitched voice of hers and soon enough we were on the road on our way to the airport.

After the lady helped me check in, I was beginning to feel more nervous. I mean, my life was about to change. I probably wasn't feeling any anxiety earlier because everything about this morning up until the lady rung our doorbell was so routine to me; Wake up, notice that parents aren't there, get ready and get on with the day. But now I was going to have a completely knew life with someone that I don't even know personally and who might end up not liking me.

My heart wouldn't stop beating at an alarming rate the whole plane ride and I must have looked so terrified because the stewardess told me: "Don't worry, everyone is a little nervous on their first plane ride."

The plane ride really wasn't scaring me at all. The fact that I would be entering a new family was.

Even though I was happy to have the opportunity of escape from my terrible home, this feeling of having to adjust to a completely knew environment is truly terrifying.

David's (Raven's) POV

I was so excited to finally meet her today. After my latest breakup I needed another person in my life. I found out about this case of a girl who was 16 and needed a temporary home for 2 years, until she is 18. If nobody would foster her, she would end up in an orphanage.

After hearing this I knew that is what I wanted. Believe it or not, I want to be able to take care of someone. I'm not really fond of kids, but I do love teenagers because you can have adult conversations with them but also teach them a lesson or two.

I was particularly excited because I could also do some makeup on her and show her my drag, I just hope she is accepting of my job.

I was currently pacing up and down the airport entrance where I was going to meet her. I couldn't contain my excitement so I texted my friend Juju.

Me - Juju I can't wait I'm so excited!

Jujubee - I know me neither! You definitely need to bring her over someday

Me - I hope she will be okay with me doing drag..

Jujubee - Come on Raven, you are the one who is giving her a better life. I am sure she will love you to death :)

Me - Thanks juju :*

Me - Oh my god I think I see her!!

There she was, looking just like on the picture of her file. Long brown hair, sparkly green eyes and a pale complexion. She was absolutely stunning and I couldn't wait to put some makeup on that face of hers.

She approached me with a nervous smile and was about to stretch her hand out, but I was already so in love with this girl that I decided to pull her right in for a hug.


I haven't had a hug like this in years. His body felt so warm, his arms wrapped around my shoulders felt so protective. As he let go of me a smile crept upon my face which made him smile as well, his pearl white teeth showing.

I saw a few colourful tattoos along his arms and he was wearing a blue striped tank top.

"Hi honey" He giggled. I returned the greeting with a smile.

"I'll take your suitcase for you." He grabbed the handle of my small trolley and began walking toward the parking lot.

After he put my suitcase into the back I sat down on the passenger seat, nervously playing with my fingers.

David started the car and we were headed to my new home.  

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