Chapter 2

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A/N  if anyone has any suggestions please let me know I'm open to any idea 😀


David's house was absolutely stunning. All of the furniture fit so well together and it was just the right size. He also had an adorable little dog named Blu which I immediately fell in love with.

"And here is you room sweetie." He smiled as he propped my suitcase onto my bed. "Do you like it?"

"It is amazing thank you so much." I thanked him and examined my new room. It had white walls with wooden furniture and a black carpet together with a black and white dotted sofa and a queen sized bed with black sheets on it.

"I'll let you unpack while I order us some dinner." David announced and exited.

I was so overwhelmed by this whole experience I needed a second to calm my nerves. David had been so nice to me I was so glad about it, this house is amazing and my room is just stunning.

After unpacking my things, which to be fair weren't that many, I laid down on the bed and stared at the blank ceiling. A tear drop escaped my eye remembering that I probably wont be going back to my hometown anytime soon.

Of course I was glad about leaving my real parents, but a part of me still longs for home. One single teardrop transformed into many and before I knew it I was crying.

I could hear small feet pattering towards my bed and Blu had jumped up on top of me and began licking my face. I smiled at him and soon enough all of my tears were gone. I loved how animals could make us humans feel better again.

"Hey, just wanted to let you know dinner has arrived" I saw David entering my room.

He approached me and smiled at Blu, picking him off of the bed. What happened next really shocked me.

I was about to get up and walk downstairs, but David's eyes widened as he saw my face.

"Baby have you been crying." His worried expression really came as a surprise. Surely he couldn't have cared about me crying, I mean, my parents never did. But here he was, taking a seat next to me in the bed and taking hold of my hand.

"Please tell me why you were crying." He said while rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"I just miss my hometown a bit, that't all." I say, hoping we could end this conversation fast because I'm sure it doesn't really concern him.

But instead I was embraced in a tight hug, he whispered my name with a sigh and started rubbing my back. Maybe comfort was nice, maybe I did enjoy being cared for.

We stayed like this for about a minute and I must say this is the best I had ever felt in years. Being held so tightly by someone who genuinely cares for you, whose warm hug feels so comforting and loving.

David parted our embrace and took a hold of both my shoulders, staring right into my eyes with a small smile.

"I know homesickness can suck, but remember I'm here for you." His words made me tear up once more, his caring nature was so surreal to me.

"Oh no please don't cry again." He wiped my tears away with his thumbs and held my cheek in his hand.

"We can visit your hometown anytime you want okay baby?" I could tell he was trying his best to make me feel better, but in this case it was what was making me cry harder. Tears of joy because of how loving this person was towards me.

"It's not that." I managed to choke out.

"What is it then, you can tell me anything." He reassured.

"It's just.. you are so kind to me. Nobody has ever been this loving and I'm just so happy about that." I said and dried my face with my sleeve.

David's POV

My heart broke. This poor girl has missed out 16 years of being loved. I will make sure to make this up to her, and the fact that she cried because of me being so kind almost made me tear up a little myself. But I needed to stay strong.

"Come on, let's go eat." I took her hand in mine and together with Blu we walked downstairs and to the dinner table.

"I got Chinese, I hope that is okay." I set the box of food I had ordered down on the table.

"Yes, thank you so much again." She grinned and we both started eating.

Seeing her so happy made me happy as well. When she first arrived she seemed so afraid, but I think she was starting to come to terms with the new situation. I was still so full of excitement and couldn't wait to introduce her to some friends, but I knew it was best to wait a little until then.

After finishing all of her food, she let out a yawn.

"Still need to get used to the new time zone huh?" I giggled and she joined in.

"Yeah I'm pretty tired, I think I'll go to bed." She got up and started walking up the stairs, Blu trailing after her. He really seemed to like this girl, which made me happy.

"Night David." She called from upstairs.

"Goodnight sweetie." I called back.

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