Chapter 3

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A/N  Any name suggestions for the girl? 🎀


Nightmares are something that have always followed me, even when my life wasn't a complete mess, ever since I can remember I would get nightmares every now and then.

I woke up to a pitch black room with cold sweat running down my forehead. My hands were trembling and I seemed to be out of breath. I patted the space around me, trying to locate my phone. I found it and switched the flashlight on, illuminating the space around me. Nothing scary to be found, only a small fluffy dog curled up beside me. So I turned the flashlight off and checked the time, '4am' it read on my phone screen. I sighed, wiping away the sweat from my forehead and getting comfortable again.

But I couldn't sleep, the shock had completely woken me up and the worst thing is I don't even remember what the Nightmare was about.

So I blankly stared at my phone screen, scrolling through Instagram and trying to find a way to quietly entertain myself. I stumbled upon Davids account and smiled, his makeup skills truly were amazing. I then looked through other queens accounts and the fact that I might be able to meet some of them soon made the smile on my face grow even bigger. I knew that Raven and Jujubee were the best of friends, so I can't wait to meet her someday. She is so funny and talented, I hope she will like me.

After being on Instagram for almost an hour, my eyelids finally began feeling heavy again. I put my phone under my pillow and moved closer to Blu. He let out a cute little snort and cuddled up to me.

David's POV

I couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of me. Blu curled up to my daughter, both of them sleeping so peacefully. I really was a lucky guy and finally had the family I always dreamed of.

I walked over and pet Blu's head, causing him to wake up and start showering her face with kisses. This caused her to wake up as well, chuckling at the dog.

She looked up at me with a tired expression, like she hadn't slept very well. I hope the bed wasn't too uncomfortable, or maybe it was the temperature? It was pretty warm over here compared to where she used to live.

"Good morning David." She smiled as she stretched her ams out and sat up.

"Morning Angel, how did you sleep?" I asked. She said she slept well, but I knew she was lying so I raised an eyebrow, nudging her to really tell me how she slept.

"The bed was really comfortable and I did sleep well, the only thing that wasn't so great was that I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't really fall back asleep." That explains it, I'm glad there wasn't anything wrong with the bed or her room. But I do wonder why she woke up so sudden and couldn't fall back asleep.

At the breakfast table, I decided to ask her about what caused her to wake up at night.

"It's embarrassing." She sighed and looked down at her plate of food. I walked over to her and took her hand in mine. She looked up at me with flushed cheeks, I give her a reassuring look and told her that I wouldn't judge.

"I had a Nightmare." She explained.

"Awh baby, what was it about." I rubbed her back and gave her a sad smile.

"I actually don't remember. That is why it is so embarrassing. I mean, why would you not be able to go back asleep if you don't even remember what scared you.." She looked down once more, her cheeks reddening again.

"It's not embarrassing baby, and if you can't sleep again come over to me okay?" I didn't want her to have to go through her fears alone. This was one of my main goals, to be there for her and be a caring parent. I don't want to be like her heartless parents were.

"Okay, thanks." She smiled at me happily. This made my heart warm up and I felt a sort of strange tingly feeling inside, but I liked it. I was glad to have already made her feel better, even if it was just a little. She deserved it.

"Hey so I was thinking, because you are still a little tired how about we go somewhere to wake you up a little, huh?" I suggested as we put our plates in the dishwasher.

"Sure, where to?" I could see the excitement of going somewhere in her eyes which really made me happy. 'It makes her happy to spend time with me!' I mentally squealed, but decided to keep my cool.

"We could drive down to the Southern California coast and go to the beach?" I think that the beach would be a great place to bond. With swimming, sun and just relaxing in the warm sand.

"You would really take me to the beach!" She exclaimed, her excitement seemed to be growing by the second.

"Of course." I smiled. "Come on then, let's pack a small bag and head off."

She practically sprinted to her room, causing me to laugh. She is such an adorable and appreciative girl.

I also headed to my room, a little more calm of course. I took out a backpack and put my swimwear and sunscreen inside. While walking to the bathroom to get some towels, I hear her call my name from her room.

"Whats up?" I asked, seeing her sitting on her bed with an empty black backpack, the one she wore when she first arrived.

"I don't have a swimsuit." She sighed with disappointment.

"Well we can get one then." I calmly said, it really wouldn't be a problem. "I'm sure there are many shops that sell them at the beach."

"That is so kind of you to do, thanks so much." She smiled, I couldn't help it I just had to give her a hug.

"One more thing." She called as I was about to exit her room.


"Can we take Blu?" She grinned and hugged the dog.  

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