Chapter 10

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A/N Trigger warning: self harm


Day 2 of Drag Con was in full swing and after helping out a little at Raja and Raven's booth I got to wander around and meet some queens.

Almost immediately I tried finding Juju, because she was one of the only ones I felt comfortable approaching by myself. I really hate that I am too socially anxious to walk up to people I haven't met before. I guess I am just scared they won't like me.

I started approaching Juju's colourful and decorative booth, many fans were standing in line about to meet her. This made me wonder if I should maybe wait until it was her break and then go meet her, but suddenly she spotted me and told one of her workers to come get me.

The tall man walked up to me and guided me through the crowd and towards Juju.

"Hi!" She squealed and got up from her couch to hug me. She patted the seat beside her and I sat down.

"I was wondering when you'd come." She joked.

"Yeah, yesterday went by so fast I didn't have the chance to meet anyone." I explained.

"Time flies when you are having fun, so who else did you meet?" Juju asked and I explained the situation about me being nervous about talking to the other Drag Queens around. I really felt like I could tell Juju my feelings without being judged.

"Don't worry baby they will love you. I know so many queens who are dying to meet you." She smiles. "Raven won't shut up about how amazing you are when she is doing gigs with the girls." Juju adds with a small chuckle.

This boosted my confidence a little, but at the same time made meeting the other queens more terrifying. I feel like they expect me to be so amazing and I'll just disappoint them.

However I was getting a little more excited about meeting some of my favourite queens, so I said bye to Juju and headed off and walked around the hall.

I spotted Trixie standing at one of the food stands and I took my chance to go and speak to her. I really loved her music so I was hoping that could be a conversation starter. On the other hand, I was afraid she would mistake me for some crazy fan who approaches her during her break to disturb her.

Luckily she recognised me.

"Hey, you are Raven's kid right?" She asked and took a sip of her drink. "Come over here and give me some company." She smiled.

"Katya is just over there getting us some food, if you want she can get you some too?" I gladly took her offer and Trixie yelled over at Katya that she should get 3 sandwiches instead of just 2.

"So how has Raven been treating you? I know she can be a little harsh sometimes." Trixie giggled.

"She has honestly been so kind to me." I admitted and smiled.

"Well you are one lucky child then, she kinda terrifies me to be honest." Trixie and I both burst out into laughter and Katya comes by with our food.

We talk a little more about the con and I really begin to feel a strong bond between Katya and I. I think we might become friends, she is so relatable and I'm beginning to feel less anxious around her.

"Well I need to get back to my booth." Trixie bids us farewell and is off to her booth where hundreds of fans are awaiting her.

Katya however is out of Drag and has already finished the panel she was doing.

"So now that I don't really have much to do, wanna go meet some other queens together?" She offered and I beamed with happiness.

I was so glad I didn't have to approach people by myself now anymore.

So we spent the rest of the day meeting all of my favourite queens ranging from the first to the tenth season of Drag race. They were all truly amazing and so nice to me.

At the end of the con I got a text from Raven that she was heading back to the hotel to freshen up her Drag for a gig she was booked for this evening. I decided that I was already so tired that I wanted to go and rest in the hotel, so I wanted to text her this but right before I could hit send Katya snatched the phone away from my hand. "Why don't you come on and stay at my room? We could watch some movies." She suggested with a grin.

So I changed the text and told Raven I was going to be staying in Katya's room, luckily it was in the same Hotel so Raven agreed.

"I'll meet you there, room 125." She grinned and headed off. "I still need to go buy some food that we can snack on." She yelled as she was about to exit the door.

I smiled to myself as I was making my way to the hotel. I think I made a good friend today.

So while walking along the sidewalk, the two girls from the previous day came by again.

"Fucking worthless cutter." The one that pushed me yelled and pulled a knife out of her pocket. The other grabbed my arm and cut all of the bracelets off from my arm. Seeing the knife so close to my skin made my eyes widen and a million flashbacks go through my head.

"Go on and cut yourself." They teased. I felt how my chest was burning and my hands were beginning to sweat. I felt dizzy and afraid, my anxiety getting worse with each insult that left the girls mouths.

They really knew how to push my buttons. The girl with the knife traced its blade along my scars with an evil smirk. The other forcefully wrapped my arm around the handle and pushed it against my skin until blood started trickling down my arm. This feeling, I couldn't handle it. Seeing the blood, the knife and my trembling arm made the urge of hurting myself come back again. The girls must have spotted someone coming behind me because one of them pointed with a shocked expression and they started running away.

I fell to the ground, holding the knife they had dropped in the process of escape and observing it. I didn't know what to do, all I could do is stare before two strong arms wrapped around me and pulled the knife away from my hand. It was Katya.

"They made me do it." I sobbed as she stared at my arm. Instead of her getting angry, which I had expected, she picked me up and held me close to her chest.

"I know, I saw it." She said and started carrying me to the hotel. I couldn't stop shaking and my breathing was irregular. "Shh it's okay. I know what it is like." She whispered. Her gentle words made me feel safe, but I was still panicking a little.

We arrived at the hotel and Katya sat my down on her bed. She walked to the bathroom and quickly returned with a wet cloth and a bandage. She carefully cleaned my wound and looked up at me with a sad smile. She held my hand the whole time while wrapping my arm up with the other. Then sat down next to me and gave me another hug.

"I know what it is like because I also suffer from addiction. Those girls there pushed you over the edge." She said and looked me in the eyes. "If you feel like you will relapse, you can always come to me."

I felt like Katya understood where I was coming from and knew the feelings I had. We both laid down in the bed and she was still holding my hand. I was glad I had a friend like Katya who understood me. 

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