Chapter 8

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A/N  More exciting things are to come in this book, this chapter was just needed to "set the scene up" a little 😉

I was currently seated at my house, cuddled under a soft blanket with Raja holding me in her arms and Blu sitting on my lap. We were watching RuPaul's Drag Race season 10 and I was loving it.

"So who is your favourite so far?" Raja asks after we finished the latest episode.

It didn't take me long to answer. "Miz Cracker all the way, I did like Mayhem a lot too though. So sad that she had to go so soon."

"You should totally go and meet Miz Cracker and Mayhem one day then." Raja suggested.

"Oh my god do you think I could?" I asked full of disbelief. I wonder if they would even want to meet me.

"Of course you can, how about at Drag Con? That is coming up soon." Raja says. I look up at her and smile.

"I can't wait." I grin.

Just in that moment, the front door clicked and Blu jumped up from my lap. He ran towards the door and greeted David who came in.

As soon as he saw me, he sprinted towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"I was only gone for the day, but I missed you so much." He hugs tighter and gives me a small kiss on the forehead.

"I missed you too, Dad." That last part just slipped out. I mean, I did mean it, but I didn't think I'd call David that so soon.

I felt me cheeks redden and I saw David's doing the same. His eyes widened.

I quickly covered my hands over my mouth. "I-I'm sorry, is it okay t-that I said that?" I stutter.

"Baby you have no idea how happy it makes me that you called me that." He said with a huge smile spread across his face. I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding and also smiled.

"Now give your dad a hug." He jokingly demanded. I jumped up, probably taking David by surprise, and jumped on top of him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"I love you." I whispered. "Love you too." He whispered back.

"I can't, you guys are too adorable." I turned my head around and saw Raja wipe a tear away. I smiled and went over to Raja to give her a hug as well.

"You too." I laughed. She hugged back and gave my head a pat like this morning.

"So, did you guys have a good day?" Raven asked while we ate Dinner. Raja had left an hour ago and I told her everything we did.

"it was really fun, she told me that Drag Con was coming up. Can I go?" I asked. Raven nodded. "Of course, I'm really looking forward to you meeting all the queens." She smiled and brought hers and my plate to the sink.

"It is getting late, want to go up to my room and watch a movie before sleeping?" David suggested while walking upstairs with me. I nodded and quickly ran to my room to get changed. When I walked into David's room her was already changed and had the opening credits of a movie playing.

I jumped onto the bed and sat down next to David, we both had our backs against the wall and were focused on the screen. I was slightly leaning against his shoulder and he had his head resting on mine.

After we were about halfway through the movie, I felt my eyes getting heavy. Soon enough I had fallen asleep. The last thing I remember is being tucked under the sheets by David and after that I had completely fallen asleep.

David's POV

It has been two weeks since the day Raja visited and my daughter was starting her time with the tutor. He came by once a week and gave her work to complete until next time. Taking into consideration that she hasn't been in school for 2 years, she is making great progress.

Currently, her school was the last thing on her mind though. It was time for Drag Con and we were packing our bags. After we finished packing we headed off to the airport.

"You excited?" I asked and she nodded eagerly. "Also a little nervous." I noticed her hands were shaking a little, so I took them into mine and she looked up at me.

"Everything will go well, okay?" I reassure. She nods. "Thanks, is still a little strange saying that." She giggles. "But I like it." She smiles. This makes me really happy. It is still strange to be called a 'Dad', but I'm so happy that I can be a father to her. I know that her biological father was never there for her, so I am glad that I can make up for that.


We had just landed from our flight to Drag Con and the excitement was growing inside of me by the second.

I could tell that David noticed my nervousness and he held my hand while we walked towards the hotel. I'm so happy that he is so caring towards me, unlike my biological parents were. His hand felt so warm and his whole energy in itself was so caring.

We arrived at the Hotel and I began sorting my clothes that I brought with me into the closet. It was currently evening and tomorrow we would be attending the first day of Drag Con.

"Come over here and I will explain what we will be doing tomorrow." David patted the spot beside him on the bed and I hopped next to him.

He pulled out a pice of paper with a plan of the day. (A/N These times aren't accurate I just made them up)

9 am - We arrive at the Con

10 - 11 am - Fashion Photo Ruview Panel

1 - 5 pm - Free time

"Would you like to watch fashion photo ruview in the audience when Raja and I are presenting it?" He asks. "I'd love too." I reply with a grin. "After that we can go meet some queens." David smiles brightly and gives me a side hug. I was still a little nervous, but also excited about meeting the queens I idolise tomorrow.  

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