>1 - Tickets<

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Cameron fumbled with his ringing phone, chewing on his lip as he pushed his black hair out of his bright blue eyes, finally swiping to answer the call.

"Hello?" he murmured, turning on the Coffee Machine and walking out of the kitchen so the buzzing of the machine wouldn't be heard.

"Yo, it's Zachary!" a bright voice said at the end of the line.

"I know, I have Caller I.D. you dipshit." Cameron laughed, plopping down onto his couch. "Why are you calling so late at night?"

"Why are you awake so late at night?" Zach shot back, fumbling heard in the background.

Cameron let out a frustrated sigh. "Andy wanted coffee, and he's a little shit and wouldn't stop complaining about it, when I told him to do it himself he got all bitchy and threw a pillow at me."

"One question," Zach began. "If he's so mean to you, why is he your housemate?"

Cameron just dismissed the question. "What did you want at one in the morning?"

There was a long pause at the end of the line. Cameron started to get impatient as he got up to see if the coffee was ready, which it was. He carefully poured it into a cup, adding cream and some sugar and stirring it. He coughed to let Zach know that he was still there, and waiting.

"I managed to get tickets-" he said quietly, and Cameron could practically hear the smirk on his face. "-to a Hollywood Undead concert."

"Bullshit, man." Cameron laughed, bringing the coffee upstairs and putting it on Andy's nightstand. "You're a good liar."

"The thing is," Zach groaned, pissed off that his best friend would think that he would lie. "I'm not lying. I have tickets for their concert in two days, at the club called 'Neon Lights'. It's at nine o'clock in the evening. Can you go?"

Cameron paused, actually believing Zachary for a second. "Whoa, I believed you for a second. Send proof that you actually have the tickets for me and you and I'll believe you."

Zachary instantly hung up, and Cameron thought that it was because Zach was bluffing. After a few minutes, his phone buzzed. He looked over to it to see who texted him.

(1). New Message

He sighed, leaning over the arm of the couch and grabbing his phone as he finished chewing a leftover fry from the McDonald's they had yesterday. He unlocked his phone, opening the Text Message.

>From: Zach

yeh, thx for not believing me. here's the picture of proof, btw. youre an asshole :)))))))

Received at 1:33am<

Cameron opened the picture that was included to see the all-too-familiar marble dining table that belonged to Zach, two Hollywood Undead tickets lying there. His eyes widened as the realization hit him.

'Oh my fucking god, I'm going to meet Danny.' Cameron thought as he got all nervous. Danny was by far his favourite Hollywood Undead member, but he still liked all the other guys a lot.

Something about Danny just... made Cameron feel good. He liked him, it was like a little Celebrity Crush. Everyone had one, so why couldn't Cameron have one?

Everyone thought it was weird because Danny from Hollywood Undead and Cameron are the same gender and Cameron liked Danny. Yeah, Cameron was gay. What's the big deal? Danny for sure would never feel the same about Cameron anyways, being all famous and shit.

He probably fucks ten different people every night.

>To: Zach

omg why is it in two nights, I'm not emotionally ready for this.

Sent at 1:37am<

He typed quickly before hitting send, his whole body jittery as he turned on his favourite playlist, a Black Veil Brides song coming on first.

He was excited to say the least.

>From: Zach

bcuz it is? you're a dipshit. i will pick u up at 7pm on Sunday aka the day of the concert so we can get there early B) we just that cool

Received at 1:39am<

Cameron smiled, glad that he had a best friend like Zach.

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