>4 - Trees<

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I ran, not looking back except when I almost tripped on a fallen tree branch. I couldn't see in front of myself, the usually clear sky very foggy and mushy with rain.

I knew Daniel was following me, I could just feel it. It was strange, usually nobody ever followed me when I ran. I quickly jumped into a tree park, pulling myself up on top of a tree branch and curling into myself. I'm such a disappointment and embarrassment. Daniel probably hates me now and he's only chasing me down to tell me how much pity he feels for me.

I hate it when people do that.

But, I can't hate Daniel, no matter how much I try. He's an inspiration to me.

"Cameron, I swear to god, my legs hurt!" I heard someone yell from the distance and I looked down to see Daniel approaching the tree park.

"Shit." I murmured under my breath, pushing myself as much as I could against the trunk, hiding behind the leaves to try to hide myself.



I panted heavily, my clothes soaked and muddy from the many, many times that I slipped. Stupid wet pavement and muddy grass...

"Cameron, I swear to god, my legs hurt!" I yelled out, doubling over and trying to regain my breathing. I knew Cameron was near, I could feel it. I heard a gasp from above me as I passed by a tree, making me look up.

Typical hiding place.



Cameron groaned, looking down as Daniel discovered his hiding place.

"Will you please come down?" Daniel sighed, looking up at the tree, placing a hand over his head to stop rain from getting in his eyes.

Cameron shook his head, silently thanking the gods-or whoever was up there-that it was raining, because you couldn't see the tears streaming down his face.

"My legs hurt so fucking much, I want to talk to you." Daniel frowned, grabbing onto the branch and trying to pull himself up before groaning. "I'm also really lazy."

Cameron bit his lip, shaking his head and continuing to give Daniel the typical and overused 'please-go-away' face.

"Why not?" Daniel whined, sitting down on his bum on the cold pavement, not seeming to care about all the mud on his outfit-which, did he mention, that he was going to perform in-and only caring about the gorgeous boy in the tree.

"Well," the pretty boy finally spoke up. "I would-" he took a breath before continuing. "-but I have a fear of heights and I'm idiotic and didn't think this through."

Daniel just stared up at him, wide-eyed, for at least two minutes before he burst into a laughing fit, literally grabbing his sides.

Cameron huffed, staring down at him with a disappointed and embarrassed look as the singer of Hollywood Undead shook with laughter.

His laughter eventually died down to his head in his hands, snorting quietly. "You're right, you're very idiotic." He grinned, standing up.

"Well, thanks." Cameron glared, kicking his feet.

"Jump down." Daniel smiled up at him, dusting off his ass.

Cameron's eyes went wide. "Are you fucking insane? I'm gonna die!" He shrieked.

"You're adorable, and I wouldn't let you die. I'll catch you, I promise." He smiled, holding out his arms as Cameron took a breath and jumped down.

"Ooof," Daniel breathed out as Cameron fell right on top of him, knocking him over, so Cameron was laying on top of Daniel as Daniel's back was pressed against the wet asphalt.

"'I'll catch you, I promise.'" Cameron mimicked, getting up and helping Daniel up.

"I still caught you, we just... took a fall." He laughed, shrugging as he latched onto Cameron's hand and pulled himself up. "We need to head back now, the guys are getting worried."

"Okay." Cameron smiled, blushing brightly as Daniel gently wrapped his hand around his, interlocking their fingers as they began to walk back to the club.

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