>8 - Sunrise<

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As Cameron left the bathroom, he was startled by yelling in the front of the bus.

He saw Daniel jump from his bunk, eyebrows furrowed. "What's going on?" he yawned and Cameron had to look away as he shrugged.

He didn't hate Daniel, he just needed some time to think after what... happened.

Daniel trudged into the kitchen, apparently, and glared at the guy who was thrashing around in the chair.

"Is he the guy who... took me?" Cameron fumbled, staying a good distance away as Daniel walked around the chair.

"Yeah," Daniel nodded, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "His name is Felix. He's my ex-boyfriend, he's a little too attached to me."

The man-Felix-glared at Cameron, trying to untie his hands.

"What are you guys going to do with him?" Cameron said quietly, moving to stand beside Daniel.

"Well," Daniel said before pausing for a minute. "We could kill him."

Cameron's eyes widened as he grabbed Daniel's arm. "What?! Are you fucking insane?!" he yelled.

Daniel flinched. "What...?"

"You can't just kill an innocent human being! He did basically nothing wrong! He has a future ahead of him, possibly a wife or husband and kids! You can't just take that away from him!"

Daniel was about to reply to him when Matthew walked in, glaring at the three of them.

"First of all, Cameron, he's escaped from jail seven times. Second of all, he's killed over two hundred innocents, about one hundred fifty being innocent kids who he sexually abused and then killed. Third, can you guys be quiet? It's four in the morning." Matthew said, kicking Felix in the shins before walking out, leaving Felix groaning, Daniel smirking and Cameron staring at the floor with wide eyes.

"Not so innocent after all," Daniel smirked, tugging Cameron to make him face him. "huh?"

All Cameron could do was nod as he was still shocked. "Kill him, but make it slow and painful. Make it last for a long time so he feels the torture before you shoot him, or whatever." he said, glaring at Felix.

"That's what Jordan was planning to do in the first place, make him suffer."

"Can I be there to watch?"

"Cameron, are you insane?"

"...Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're eighteen!"

"You're not that old either!"

"I'm twenty five!"

"That's not o-"

"GUYS, SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I WILL CUT YOU UP!" Dylan yelled, throwing a pillow at Cameron and Daniel.

"Leave!" Daniel yelled at him, picking the pillow up and throwing it back. "We're having a serious discussion!"

"It's four in the fucking morning, you psychopaths! Can't it wait until at least like two in the afternoon?!" Dylan yelled, catching the pillow skillfully.

"...Fine." Daniel grumbled, grabbing Cameron's hand and tugging him outside of the tour bus.

"Whoa, the sun is rising." Cameron smiled, sitting down on the parking lot and looking up at the sky.

"Yep, it rises early here." Daniel chuckled, looking over at Cameron as the light reflected off of his face.

His breath hitched in his throat. How could one simple guy look so beautiful in the sunrise?

"Will you stop looking at me like you haven't eaten in a year and I'm your favourite type of food?" Cameron laughed, snapping Daniel back into reality.

"How long was I zoned out for?"

"Almost a whole two minutes, Danny." Cameron gave him a half smile, making Daniel's heart literally melt. That was the first time that Cameron called him Danny, nickname wise and not stagename wise.

The name just seemed to roll off of Cameron's tongue so easily and it sounded just perfect.

Daniel was falling for this eighteen year old boy, hard.

He threw the 7-year-age-gap away, his heart beat increasing as Cameron leaned his head on Daniel's shoulder.

He was watching the sunrise with the guy he was slowly falling for, Cameron, and nothing could be more perfect than this.

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