>6 - Guns<

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Wait a second... was that... a gun?!

My hand instantly shot down to my pocket, searching around for my phone when I felt two arms wrap around me before I felt a cold, round, metal item pressed to my temple.

"You say one word and you're dead..." A rough, raspy, deep voice whispered in my ear, putting his hand over my mouth.

My eyes began to tear up as I felt myself being dragged away in the dark, loud screams heard all around me.

"Cameron?!" I heard Daniel's voice yell as a flashlight was being flashed around. I thrashed wildly in the mans arms, whining quietly, hoping he didn't hear me as I tried to get anybody, even a slutty girl, to notice me.

The man holding me groaned. "They're gonna find us. Get up." He said harshly, pulling me up with him as he yanked on my arm, making me yelp before I heard another gunshot and a body near us dropped to the ground and I felt something sticky and cold hit my face... blood.

What if it was Daniel? My heart started racing at the name, making me cry even more. I just met him, I can't die now. Not yet...

I always wanted to die, I hoped for it every single night, but not now and definitely not like this.

The lights in the club flickered as I got something put to my mouth and nose. My eyes fluttered shut and I slowly fell into darkness.



The lights turned on and I immediately knew who to look for first.


He was the only one who wasn't with us at the time, including Zachary, but he was already hanging onto Jorel's side in fear. Jordan, Jorel, Matthew, Dylan, George and I rushed off the stage with our phone flashlights the moment the lights turned off and the guns were shot.

My eyes scanned the fear-faced crowd as they all looked for the man or woman with the gun.

"Cameron..." I whimpered under my breath the moment I saw a man in all black carry Cameron's limp body away, trying to hide in the crowd as he muttered curse words to himself.

I ran to the bar, grabbing a heavy, glass Whiskey bottle before walking behind the man and slamming the end onto his head, the liquid spilling out as the blow sent him unconscious.

"Is he okay?!" A bunch of people yelled as Jorel and Dylan grabbed the man who I knocked out and I picked Cameron up bridal style, pulling him close as we ran to the tour bus. Matthew threw open the door, helping me in as I laid Cameron down on the couch. I swear, I will kill the guy after I make sure Cameron is all okay.

I hope he is.

My heart fluttered as I peeled off his shirt, trying to avoid his scars on his arms as I checked for any wounds.


I grabbed a little item from a drawer, pressing it to Cameron's lips.

"What's that?" Zachary asked, making me jump a little bit as he pointed to the item in my hands.

"Breathing detector." I shrugged, pulling it out of Cameron's mouth once it beeped and looking at the screen.



Great, he got a rag with chloroform on it pressed to him.

I knew he was idiotic enough to breathe it in. My heart fluttered at the thought of him being okay.

"Fifty three percent? Won't that kill him?" Zachary asked, eyes wide.

"No, you dipshit," I glared at him, draping a blanket over Cameron. "I would be screaming if he was going to die. Only eighty percent of chloroform can kill you, fifty knocks you out for a few hours, the most is eight hours. He'll be okay." I smiled, running a hand through Cameron's soft hair.

I think I might be falling for this very young boy.

I don't want to, but I might be.

He's just perfect.

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