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"Last call for Wizard of Oz auditions!" the director called.
"Sorry I'm late!" I heard someone call. I turned my head to find Phil.
"Hello, Philip, glad you could make it. Who will you be trying out for?"
"Alright, go for it."

He started singing If I Only Had A Heart and I must admit, it was one of the best renditions I've ever heard. I widened my eyes as I listened intently—I might just riot if he doesn't get the part. Once he finished, he walked off stage and sat down next to me.

"Not bad," I nodded.
"Thanks," he smirked. "How's secondary working out for you?"
"It's fine, I guess. You said that my 'attitude' would get me into trouble, but I seem to be doing pretty well for myself."
"Oh yeah?"
"Okay, everyone!" the director called. "I'm going to call a thirty minute recess. In the meantime, I will be making the cast list for the principles. Ensemble will be released later in the week."

The thirty minutes seemed to drag on, but eventually the time came to hear who got who. The director stood on stage and began reading off names.

"Playing the role of Dorothy will be Carrie Fletcher. Playing Glinda will be Louise Pentland, Wicked Witch will be Sophie Newton, Scarecrow will be PJ Liguori, Tinman will be Philip Lester, Lion will be Daniel Howell."

I smiled to myself as I heard my name get called. I looked over to Phil and gave him a nod—I couldn't imagine anyone else playin his part.

"Here are your scripts." She handed the scripts out to the six of us. "I expect you all to have act one memorized in two weeks. Does that sound reasonable?"
"Yes, ma'am," we said.
"Good. See you all tomorrow for rehearsal."

Everyone got up and collected their things. As I swung my backpack over my shoulder, Phil flicked me in the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?"
"Nothin'," he shrugged, "just like teasing you."
"Yeah, well knock it off."
"Whatever. Anyway, do you have a lot of homework to do tonight?"
"Not really, why?"
"Well, we have to memorize a crap ton of lines in a short amount of time. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and run lines."
"Oh really? I thought you hated me," I teased
"I do, but I sorta wanna have a good show, so I'll put my pettiness aside," he chuckled. "So are you in?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Alright, follow me."

He pulled out his car keys and led me to his parking spot. He had a rather shitty car, but I guess it's better than nothing. I threw my bag in the back and hopped into the passenger seat.

Once we got to his house, I grabbed my stuff and hauled it up to his room. He shut the door behind him and threw his bag in his closet. I stood awkwardly by his bed, not really knowing what to do.

"Throw your bag anywhere and take a seat," he said.
"Okay..." I gently set my backpack down next to his bed and sat down on the desk chair.
"Congrats on your role, by the way," he mumbled as he took an apple out of his bag.

He took a bite out of it as he flipped to the first page. We read through our lines, lazily reading in the people who weren't there, but quickly got bored of it. Phil eventually tossed his script on his nightstand and kicked his legs up.

"So how's school going? Are you doing well in your classes?" he asked.
"I'm doing alright, I guess," I said. "Pace is a bit faster than I was expecting.
"It gets easier, I promise."
"Really?" He nodded. "So what University are you going to?"
"It's between York and Manchester. I applied to Oxford, but I don't think I'm gonna get in."
"Why not?"
"Well, I got waitlisted and there's a lot of people ahead of me. Unless they get better offers, I really won't stand a chance."
"Don't say that... you have to at least have a little faith in yourself."
"I have plenty of faith... just not regarding this situation."
"That's stupid."
"It's whatever," he sighed.
"Okay, I'm sorry about this, and how random it is and–"
"Just spit it out, kid."
"How long have you and that Louise girl been dating?"
"Excuse me?" he scoffed. "She's just my friend. She has a boyfriend named Matt. He's alright, I guess—I mean, she could always do better, but she's into him, so..." he shrugged. "Why do you ask?"
"Just curious."
"Do you have a girlfriend at all?" He shook his head no. "Why not?"
"Couldn't be bothered. All girlfriends, or even boyfriends, do is distract. They are so unnecessary and stupid!"
"How many times has Philly gotten rejected?" I teased.
"None actually, shit-for-brains." He rolled his eyes. "Like I said, they're distractions that I don't need. I've got enough shit going on. Why add one more thing, y'know?"
"No, I don't... I sorta want a girlfriend, but girls don't really seem to like me."
"Why not?"
"They all think 'm gay 'cause I do theatre..."
"Well, are you?"
"Hell no! Who in gods name would want a dick up their ass?"
"You'd be surprised," he chuckled. "I hear it's actually not that bad."
"And how would you know?"
"Well, all the guys I fuck seem to enjoy it."
"You're gay?" He nodded as he continued eating his apple. "Wait, I thought you said that you didn't date?"
"I don't, I fuck. Everyone needs to let out a little sexual frustration every once in a while, y'know?"
"No, not really..."
"How old are you?"
"You'll know soon enough. Once you have that first kiss you'll just be itching for something more."
"Doubt it," I murmured.

Phil shrugged as he got off the bed. He tossed the apple core in the bin in the corner of his room. On the way back to his bed he noticed me messing around with my tie. He stopped in front of the chair, cupped my face and forced me into a somewhat heated kiss.

I sucked in a breath of air through my nostrils and widened my eyes. I pulled back, breathless and stared at him, mouth hung agape. He raised a brow and smirked. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment as I lightly ran my fingertips over my swollen lips.

He plopped back down on his bed and looked to me. I refused to make eye contact with him as I fumbled for my script. I clung to it and pouted. Phil let out a low chuckle before returning to his resting face.

"You're cute when you're flushed y'know..." I clung to my script even tighter. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to prove a point." I still didn't look over to him. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," he whispered. I shook my head as the situation played over in my head. "You okay?" I nodded. "You sure?" I nodded again. "Please say something, Dan."
"Can I kiss you again?" I mumbled.
"You heard me..."

He scooted towards the end of his bed and pulled the desk chair towards him. He took the script out of my hands and threw it to the ground. He lifted my face up by my chin and made me look him in the eyes. He had this stupid smile on his face... the one that never seems to go away.

He gently held the nape of my neck as he eased me into a slower kiss. I still tensed up a bit, but he was sure to calm me down. He rested his left hand over mine and lightly ran his thumb over the back. When we pulled apart, I refused to make eye contact again. He teasingly grabbed me by the cheeks and forced me to look at him.

With smushed lips, I mumbled, "Can I have a ride home?"

He let out a quiet laugh as he slowly shook his head. He gave me another gentle kiss before letting go of my face.

"Of course, stupid."
"Thanks, loser," I teased.
"Watch it, fresher."
"Make me."

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