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"Dan, let go of me," Phil sighed.
"No!" I mumbled into his chest.
"No! You're not allowed to leave me!"

We were relaxing on his bed after our last day of school. My head was resting on Phil's chest as my arms were tightly wrapped around him.

"I'm not leaving yet, Jesus, I'm just trying to graduate, stupid."
"You're not allowed to," I whined.
"Come on, Dan, this isn't funny anymore. Get off me."
"Sorry," I pouted.

I sat up in bed and fixed my slightly curly hair. Phil sat up with me and placed a kiss on my cheek. He pushed my hair back a bit and smiled before getting out of bed to change.

"You should leave your hair curly more often, y'know," he said.
"I don't think so," I frowned.
"What do you have against your natural hair?"
"Are you kidding me? It's so ugly!" I scoffed.
"No, it's not. It's actually really cute."
"Pfft, says you." I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever, Mr. Crabby Pants," he teased. As he spoke, he began pulling his ratty shirt off. I quickly averted my eyes and laid back on the bed. "What's with you? Don't wanna look?" he smirked.
"No..." I blushed.
"Why not? It's just a chest," he chuckled.
"Cause when we do end up fucking, I want all of you to be a surprise."
"When, huh? You really think I'm gonna stick around for you to be legal?"
"I know you will."
"You know nothing."
"Well, I know this one thing."
"You still know nothing."

He grabbed my face from behind and made me bend backwards. He flashed me one of his stupid smiled before placing a kiss on my lips. I blushed a bit more as I went to go sit back up.

"Hurry up and get dressed before you're late."


"So what's your roommate like?" I asked as I took a sip of my water.
"He's alright, I guess. He's a rugby player so he sorta smells like sweat, but he's a nice guy. Can't really complain, y'know?"
"Is he cute?"
"Dan," he warned.
"I just want to know," I mumbled.
"He's the hottest thing I've ever seen. You know, we fuck every night, nice and–"
"Knock it off!" I frowned.
"Why are you so nervous? Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I do, it's just that..." I let out a quiet sigh, "before we started dating, you told me that you don't date... you fuck... and that 'everyone needs to let out a little built up sexual frustration'..."
"Yeah, your point?"
"You haven't had sex in god knows how many months–"
"I haven't needed it cause I have you."
"But you won't have me soon!"
"Okay, I'm gonna ask you again: do you trust me?"
"Yes, I do."
"Then act like it, please," he frowned.
"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I love you..."
"Mhmm... how's your steak?"


"Dan! I am not going to call you again! It is nearly one in the afternoon!" Mum called.

My eyes shot open as I sprang up in bed. I looked over to my alarm clock and managed to make out the time. I fell over and stumbled onto my messy bedroom floor. I tumbled down the stairs, only wearing my boxers and an old t-shirt.

"What's today?" I panted. 
"The twentieth. Why?" Mum asked.
"Oh, shit, it can't be..." I panicked.

I sprinted back upstairs to throw a random outfit on. I rushed to brush my teeth and my hair before running out of the house. I grabbed my bike out of the garage and peddled over to Phil's house as quick as I could. 


"Philip, we have to go," Katherine warned.
"I'm not leaving until I say goodbye to Dan!" he fought.
"You need to check into your dorm in two hours. If we don't leave now you're going to marked as a drop out. Get in the car."
"If he hasn't shown up already, he's not going to show up at all. Get a move on."
"Fine," Phil whispered.

Phil got in the car and started driving off with his parents. As they were about to turn on to a main road, Phil saw me cycling by. His eyes widened and he quickly unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Philip Michael Lester, what are you doing?" Katherine asked.
"Mum, pull over!"
"Fine," she grumbled.

As soon as the hazards started blinking, Phil swung the car door open and started running after me.

"Dan!" he hollered.

I hit the brakes and turned my head. My face sprung into a smile as I got off my bike and ran over to him. He held his arms open and I quickly hopped onto him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I dug my face into the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed. "I-I overslept a-and I almost missed you. I–"
"Shh, baby, it's okay," he reassured. "You're here with me now and that's all that matters."
"Please don't leave me," I whimpered.
"I have to go, baby... you know that..."
"I know..." I pouted as he set me down.
"Drive up with me... I'm sure my parents won't mind giving you a ride back..."
"But my bike," I teased. He chuckled and rolled his eyes as he hid it behind a thick bush in his neighbors front yard.
"Much," I smirked.
"Come on."

Phil forced me into the car and told his mum that she could continue driving. For the entire ride, I was leaning on Phil—we spoke, told jokes, and tried to forget the fact that we were leaving one another.

When Katherine pulled into the University lot, she told me to be useful and help them move everything into Phil's dorm room. I grabbed a few boxes and lugged them into the crowded dormitory hallways.

When all of the boxes were shoved into the cramped room, Phil's parents gave him a hug and told me that they'd meet me in the car. I turned to Phil and let out a defeated sigh. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into his gorgeous eyes.

"Don't leave me," I whispered.
"Little late now, don't y'think?" he teased.
"Let's run away together."
"Where do you wanna go?"
"Anywhere but here..."

Phil dragged out a sigh before giving me a tight hug. He picked me up slightly and pressed a kiss into my cheek. He set me down and I immediately started to cry.

"You're gonna come back to visit, right?"
"As much as I can."
"You prom–"

He grabbed my cheeks and smushed my lips together. He gave me a quick kiss before flashing me his stupid fucking smile.

"I swear."

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