Fate or bad luck

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Elizabeth was writing on editing on her lab top with she ran out of ideas for her horror story . She was writing a story about the slender man and couldn't come up with a plausible scenario to have to Monster come after a small family. They lived far off from most people however they were always involved with there community until they went home. Their house for about four miles away from most neighborhoods.

The two children the parents had just made the family move their from there previous place which was a duplex . They saved up and found this house which most people didn't warn them about the previous owners that went missing after only be there a few months.

Elizabeth needed a break to figure out when the monster "slender man should appear besides the whole fog in dimly lite moonlight night clique. She closed her laptop then grabbed her coat and went walking to her car. She drove to the near by bookstore then went to the coffee shop to refuel her energy. As she was leaving she bumped into one of Asahina brothers.

It was Hikaru the one she used to idolize before she became a writer herself. She was star struck because how close they were and she didn't mind he was dressed like woman today. She believe it was brave of Hikaru to take his work to that level of even being the opposite of what he was. His work about noir books he wasn't a well known writer but she loves the work that he has done.

"Fancy , seeing you hear Eliza"

"You can call me Lizzy and I suppose it's a normal occurrence considering we are both writers."

"Your work is more well-known then mine ,I'm almost jealous but that's the writing world for you"

"Would like to have a little chat"

"Sure, I was taking a break trying to figure a better plot of my current horror story"

( they sit at a near by table sitting facing each other)

"Horror, so you go from Romance to Horror  how does that happen?"

"Well, my first few tries at writing and to get publish were actually horror tales I learned from a friend of mine. They did like them for being to gory and heroine or hero always seemed to die at the end"

"Yeah when first try to get published as a new author it can be tough especially when you want to publish in your own genre"

"Yeah but can I ask a question?"

"Sure, Lizzy"

"Are you and your brothers in love with your  little sister  Ema"

" What makes you say that? Are you jealous?"

"Well I can tell by the body language and the way they speak . I actually have a degree in psychology ,it's not hard to tell and see didn't seem to notice but she seemed as distracted by something when we bumped into each other the other day"

"Wow, your very observant"

Ema's secret Sister (Brothers Conflict)Where stories live. Discover now