Afternoon walk (Natsume)

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Elizabeth went to take a walk in the near by park because it was a bit cold for a jog and it was getting close to winter. She was waving at people who waved at her recognizing her from her books, or her stage work. She stopped to playing with a little pile of leaves like this:

Suddenly Familiar face was running towards her and she haven't see Natsume in awhile then he pulled her into a hug

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Suddenly Familiar face was running towards her and she haven't see Natsume in awhile then he pulled her into a hug .

" Hey Lizzy haven't seen you in awhile how have you been?"

"Oh I'm okay things been better and I'm trying to find a new place, my condo was broken into was forced to put my stuff in storage until I find another more safe neighborhood"

"Wow, that's horrible are you okay and where are you staying"

"Oh I'm okay my furniture was stolen but most of my stuff I still got in storage. I didn't see who did it but I had a feeling I have a stalker and winded up staying at Sunrise with your brothers"

"Really you could have called me? I wouldn't have minded the company"

"I didn't want be a bother and your mother insisted for me to stay with your brothers"

" I see so you know my family that's a bit surprising but I guess it's bound to happen"

"I suppose well, I should get back before they send a search party for me"

" Yeah my brothers are very protective for women"

Elizabeth walked back to sunrise thinking about her conversation with Natsume. She actually like each brother for a different reason and still didn't understand love. Sometime soon she will have to tell Ema about who she really is but she's afraid of her reaction.

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