Chapter 1 - A New Life (Not Really)

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By the time that the girl's new body was eleven years old, she was known as the Weather Witch, the Dock Lass, or the Ocean's Orphan to the sailors that frequently docked there because she was the small orphan girl that could tell you a more accurate weather predictions than any human they had ever met before. (they never bothered to ask the non-humans, since their prices for knowledge are much more steep than mine) She could tell you when the next storm will hit and tell you the mood of the currents a week in advance halfway across the world, and all she asked for in return was food, cloths (no one wanted to give her trousers for some reason) (I wish I had been reborn in a more modern time period, it sucks to be a girl in the 1930s), knives, senbon (the Chinese sailors had been a little too enthusiastic about giving them to me...) (didn't they try to kidnap me once? Hmm...), and (for some reason the sailors looked relieved at this, and when I asked them they said they were happy that I had asked for something normal...) jewels and gemstones (I don't really care about the form, though I usually pick out the smaller ones as well as the powered ones, it makes it easier to add to my amulets and charm bottles).

The girl herself didn't really understand why the sailors were so enthralled by her. (they act like I'm a nymph or something...) When the girl told them this, the sailors tried to make her understand but she just got more confused. She didn't understand that her blonde hair with silver (NOT GREY!) highlights shone like gold and silver threads in the sun light, or that her blue green eyes sparkled like blue green opals when joy or gratitude shined through them, or that her aristocratic body structure made her look like an empirical goddess of the sea and storm.

(I had just looked at them in disbelief when they told me this and then ran for my life, it took them many days and weeks to find then coax me out of my little home) (the sailors tried to buy me a flat or convince me to go to an orphanage, a lot of them ended up in the hospital...) (I really don't get why they don't like that I'm living in an abandoned sailboat in the cove near the docks, but they stopped trying to move me when I finally took one of the more trustworthy captains and their first mate into my home and convinced me to have some of the leaks repaired and the boat itself stabilized so that a storm won't knock it over or destroy it farther) (they also went behind my back a furnished the boat too...) (they were a little too pleased with themselves afterward...)

She really just didn't understand. Because she remembered being the tall, lanky brown haired and eyed teen on her father's sailboat. Working to the bone to prove herself (to the crew, to my father, to myself) of being able to being promoted to captain one step at a time. She remembered being the outcast of her school, because she was too focused on the ocean and the harbor to be natural for a girl, even in the 21st century. She remembered being called ugly for the knife and bullet scars on her cheek, arms, chest, torso, and legs from the time she fought some drug dealers that had tried to steal her and her father's boat. (I had been eleven at the time and the police had been horrified to find that I was the only one out of the 22 bodies still alive when they got there) (three of them had been I mother and two older brothers) (my father had cried for days) (I was in a coma) She had had other scars too, from burns to stabs to slashes from the equipment and from sailing accidents.

But those were gone now. She had a new body with new scars (I have to protect my territory after all) (thieves are not welcome in my home and they never leave alive) and new looks and new blood. She didn't like that much (I wanted a stronger connection to her first father than just his memory), but at least she still had the same birthmark. Her birthmark was a light creamy color that stood out on her sun kissed (caramel, the sailors said) skin, shaped like a queen conch that rested on her right shoulder blade.

The girl didn't really understand why she was reborn or who was the cause (because there is always a who, I learned that the hard way the first time around) her rebirth, but she knew that she was in for a very bumpy ride. Especially when she saw a young Albus Dumbledore (oh shit...) walking along the docks like he owned the place and watching the sailors work with distaste clear in his eyes. And to add on top of that shit train, was a young Tom Riddle (ooooh shit, no...), who looked to be the same age as her, was walking along side him and watching everything with a calculating cautious gleam in his vividly violet eyes. (oh shit, please no...)

((Disclaimer is on the Prologue)) 

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