Chapter 2 - Manannan Mac Lir

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When the girl was seven years old she had a very peculiar dream, more peculiar than usual. (I still have dreams of the day I died) (I don't normally leave my boat those days...) She was on a cliff overlooking the ocean during dawn, just sitting there and watching the sun. She had a queen conch in her hand (it was a pearly blue with white creamy highlights and symbols on it, it was truly a beautiful piece) and was fiddling with it in her hands as she listened to the song of the sea. (I thought I could see a shipwreck in the distance...)

"Hello young one." A deep and ancient voice spoke from behind her.

The girl was startled, as she flipped around and threw sendon with deadly accuracy at the tall man behind her. (that should not have happened, I normally know when someone is behind me...) The chestnut haired man only smiled in a way that made the corners of his dark blue eyes crinkle pleasantly, as the senbon passed through him as if he were made of smoke. (no not smoke, that feels wrong... fog or mist would be better...)

Blue green eyes widened (bloody fucking hell) (she was picking things up from the sailors...) at the tall (very tall, was he on steroids as a kid?) (are steroids even invented yet?) man started to advance towards her. The girl took out two of her close combat knives and got ready for an attack, but the man (was he human or something else...?) (was he even a man?) just did that eye crinkle smile and sat down about a yard from her and seemed to stare at her expectantly.

The girl blinked her blue green eyes at the man, before following suit, though much more cautiously than the man had. She didn't put her knives away, (never go unarmed) (never underestimate a potential enemy) (everyone is a potential enemy until they swear on their life that they are not) put set them on either side of her so that she could pick them up at a moment's notice. The man seemed to be pleased by this and nodded his head like he approved. (like my first father did...)

The man seemed to notice her grief at his expression, but only seemed to get happier because of it. (bastard...) "I had wanted to speak with you for a while now, but I didn't want to frighten you, though I seem to have failed at that." The girl watched him suspiciously as he spoke in a deep, tenor voice. "I am here to give you a gift."

"What kind of gift." She asked in a soft whispery voice, that belied her growing distaste for the willowy man, after a brief pause to see if the man would continue. "What is the price. Why are you giving it to me." (I didn't trust the man...) (he speaks to familiarly to me...) (why do I feel like I know him, that he isn't a stranger...)

The man only smiled a benign smile and replied, "Now, now. Not reason to be so cynical, it is a free gift. One I want to give you."

The girl's eyes narrowed at the man's patronising tone, her voice taking on a chilling bite as a hand inched toward the closed knife to it. "There is no such thing as a gift that comes without a price."

"But there is between family." The answer said in a joyous voice made the girl with a woman's soul freeze, memories of a past life flooding her. (the orphanage...) (a couple looking for something they could never create on their own...) (a new home with parents and brothers...) (my first present...) (a smile on a chiseled face saying in a warm, loving voice...) (how dare he quote my first father...)

The girl outright snarled at the man that only seemed to get excited at the true, deadly anger of the girl. "So the price is to become your... what? Daughter?" (bloody infuriating bastard...)

A chestnut haired head bobbed in a quick nod. "Yes, exactly." The man beamed at the incensed girl. "All you need to do is swallow this." And he held up a small, glowing white marble in his tanned hand, outstretched toward the infuriated and cautious girl. (bastard...)

Blue green eyes switched between the strange man and the slowly pulsating white marble with a wary and calculating fire in them. She had long since come to the conclusion that this was not a normal dream. "And what if I don't want to?" Her asked, soft voice dripping with deadly venom.

The man, being, just smiled (bastard...) as if she had just asked something that he found extreme amusing or funny. "The singing will only get louder and stronger as you body grows." A knife passed through the man's chest a second after he had spoken, leaved nothing just like the senbon from before.

Blue green eyes tried to kill the man with a glare. "Bastard."

"Perhaps." A beaming smile. (bastard...)

The girl swiped the marble (it isn't a marble...) and she just stared at it for a moment, not noticing that the man was staring at her with impatience and longing that disappeared as soon as she looked up at him. "What will it do?" Blue green eyes filled with distaste and anger directed towards the man before her.

"Make you my daughter." The smile widened and dark blue eyes filled with excitement.

Blue green eyes just stared at the man- no being for a moment. "What are you? Who are you?"

"Very good, very smart." The man's head nodded a few times, before he looked at the girl again in... in... something that the girl did not want from this being. (I knew it was adoration and love... I just never accepted it until many, many years later...) "I will tell you if you swallow that."

"Bloody bastard." Her voice clipped out.

"Yes, yes now swallow that." (ah.) (there's the impatience I knew was there...)

"Fine." The girl put the marble in her mouth and threw back her head to swallow the marble easier, her short blonde and silver (NOT GREY!) hair rustling softly in the wind. (was the wind picking up?...)

Her vision began to cloud immediately as her body became numb and she collapses like a rag doll into the being's arms. The being maneuvered her body so that her head rested on his chest and he began to pet her short hair, playing with the ends. (bastard...)

"Perfect. Mine... You are mine." Was the last thing she heard before her vision was consumed by darkness and her mind went numb. (smug bastard...)


Light flooded her eyes as she sprang awake, looking around her boat frantically for the... the... being. (smug bastard...) When she couldn't find him, she calmed down considerably and reached up to comb her fingers through her hair, only for the strands of hair to go on longer than she remembered them being the night eyes widened in almost comically terror. (NOT funny.) (Oh shit, please no...) She looked, and saw that her hair was now all the way past her shoulder blades in length, and she fainted.


She only found out later (much too later...) that the man was Manannan Mac Lir, Irish God of the Sea and Guardian of the Afterlife (go figure...), and that he had given her the power to control water (be the time my Hogwarts letter was delivered, I could control the currents of the ocean anywhere in the world as well as control the water within human bodies), manipulate the weather (my emotions affect the weather a little too much...), and the ability to sense anything and everything that is in or in contact of water or air. (so pretty much everything) (it gave me headaches for days on end until I could create shields in my mind) (it bloody well sucks)

(I found out later, when the sailors had finally dragged me out of my boat, that I could talk to and understand aquatic life and anything with wings or can fly, as well as see ghosts and souls) (I believe that I fainted at some point after learning that as well...)

((Okay, first- I'm not British. If I get anything wrong, please tell me and I will fix it. Please.

Disclaimer is on the Prologue))

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