Chapter 4 - Storm's Entrance

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"Why would I allow that? She has no reason to leave the docks." A deep tenor voice spoke as brown eyes glinted and narrowed. Twinkling blue eyes stared back with belied frustration and annoyance. Violet eyes just watched with fascination as the brown eyed leader stared down the professor.

The twinkle in those blue eyes increased by an unnatural amount and brown eyes narrowed further at the 'pleasantly' smiling professor as he spoke in a belittling voice.

"Who are you to dictate where this young girl goes? Are you her guardian? Or perhaps her parent? If so, I could explain why she needs to-"

"There is no reason for the Lass to go to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore looked visibly frustrated at the interruption this time, seeming to lose what little composure that he had left. In contrast, the brown eyed Captain was just as composed as he was when he had arrived and was excluding confidence and patience in waves.

"May I ask why?"


"Please sir. Just allow me to talk to her-"



"I said no."


"There is NO REASON for the Witch of the Docks to go to a Magical Institution to learn about something that she can already control."

Tension built between the two as the wizard and sailor stared at each other, blue eyes no longer twinkling and looking at the other in surprise and gradually increasing anger, while brown eyes just glared into the blue with contempt and annoyance plain to be seen. Dumbledore cleared his throat to begin to speak, but the brown eyed Captain cut him off as he turned away from him.

"Leave. Your presence is unwanted here, wizard."

Dumbledore could only stare in increasing anger as the muggle walked away from. He let the anger boil for a moment before speaking up.

"May I ask how you know about the magical world? I sense no magic within you."

The Captain signed in dismay and annoyance, further pissing off Dumbledore for his "disrespect", before relying with obvious reluctance. "I am a fourth generation squib of a Russian pureblood line, the knowledge has been passed down through my family. Now leave."

He turned his back to the Professor fully and began to walk again.

"But you just announced-"

The Captain spun around to glare at the goat-that-was-looking-more-like-a-donkey-with-each-passing-comment with annoyance and contempt with some anger sprinkled in, making his eyes take on a reddish hue.


Ella blinked as she felt a massive surge for anger and annoyance come from the Captain, only to sweat drop anime style as the man began to glare and tear into the goat with words.


"The majority of the Docks' people know about magic and are given clearance because of our jobs and because we live and work in harmony with the local merpeople and nymphs that live in the coves on either side of the Docks. Magic is commonplace here, even if only a handful of the humans here can use it. Now leave, you have overstayed and soured your welcome."

The sounds of blades being unsheathed and guns being cocked filled the air as Dumbledore unsheathed his wand. Brown and blue eyes glared into the other with equal contempt and disdain for either side, seemingly oblivious to the surrounding sailors' weapons being trained on the wizard. Suddenly, many of the sailors noticed a shadow that was rapidly increasing in size on top of the brown eyed man, though he himself did not join in, which was soon followed by shouting and fainting (that would later be denied) from the sailors that had looked up to see what the source of the shadow was. When the Captain finally looked up to the source, he paled dramatically with a shocked look on his face as his eyes took in the amused blue green eyes on a smirking face that was very close to his own.

"Cap'in Joe!"


-------------------------------------~Skipping backwards a couple of seconds~----------------------------------


Ella knew that something like this was going to happen. She could practically feel the anger, irritation, and bloodlust coming from the crowd below, and knew that she would have to step in soon.

Just as she felt the bloodlust spike from below... she jumped. (oh they are going to so mad at me...) (this is fun... I should do this more often...) Ella could see the various weapons being drawn before they noticed her shadow. The blonde/silverette would later swear that a few of the sailors fainted when they saw her while the majority of them just started shouting and yelling.

The girl just gave a wild grin as horrified brown eyes met hers. "Cap'in Joe!" Ella shouted with glee from the adrenalin as her body fell towards the man.

"Shit!" Strong arms came around her waist as his chest hit hers.

Joe spun on his heel so that he didn't end up flat on his back from catching the waif of a girl.

When the spinning stopped, Ella just look at him with innocent doe like eyes and said in a sweet voice; "Hullo Joe."

The man simply lifted an eyebrow at the girl, entirely unimpressed and the brat had the nerve to simply grin at him. "Hello Lass, was that necessary?" Joe tried to say in a neutral voice, but it ended up being sarcastic anyway.

A grin from said brat said it all. "Yes." Though she voiced her opinion anyway.

Brown eyes just stared into unrepentant blue green ones for a moment, completely ignoring the snickers and smiles and head shakes from the sailors and dock hands. The professor and his tagalong were completely forgotten at that point, but they were staring in disbelief at the man and girl.

Joe rolled his eyes to the sky in exasperation, as if asking for patience from a higher deity, before letting go of the girl altogether. The blonde/silverette fell with a squawk ("Hey!") on her rear before glaring up at smiling brown eyes. She pouted at the man and just sulked as the rest of the sailors that had been holding their laughter lost control of it.


Purple eyes stared incredulity at the scene before him as he watched the previously bloodthirsty sharks of sailors became docile little clown fish laughing their asses off at the the sight of (who appeared to be) the Lass of the Docks pouting up at the brown eyed captain.

'Though,' Tom thought as he watched the man help the "Lass" that had fallen on him stand, 'I can see why the sailors would want to keep outsiders away from the girl, seeing as she would be the a high profile target for anyone dealing in human trafficking."

For you see, the girl was beautiful and not in the normal way. Normally, beauty was defined by the clothes, makeup, and delicate nature of the girl or female in question. But this one... this girl's beauty could not be defined by such things. She looked wild and untamed, wearing faded blue trousers (trousers! Of all the things a girl could wear...) and a cream colored button down shirt with a dark green sash wrapped around her waist (all made from a silk like material) and black muggle military boots on her feet. The shirt only had three of its buttons clasped over her stomach while her chest was in full view for everyone to see that her already developing bust was wrapped in white bandages. Her gold and silver hair was held back by a lavender head scarf to keep it from hindering her blue green opal colored eyes. Many necklaces were hanging from her neck with many shells, beads, charms, and crystals adorning them, while brown leather wrappings were wound around her forearms, wrists, and palms. Two black leather belts were clasped around her waist and there were multiple pouches and small bags attached to them as well as two boxes on either side of her hips. Dual knives and a small hand sword were worn openly on her thighs and the small of her back respectively. Several earrings and cuffs made of silver with multiple shells on and hanging from both of her ears, though they were not identical on either side. The girl was colorful and had a wild and untameable arua about her that unnerved you and made you want to get closer, and she almost seemed to be egging you on, daring you to try and approach her, to just try and tame her.

Tom felt... almost... offended, that this slip of a girl would have the nerve to try and insinuate that he would want to approach her, much less tame her. He had much more self preservation than that. But apparently, Dumbledore didn't.

((Disclaimer is on the Prologue, comment if you want, but flamers beware... I have chocolate...))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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