Chapter 3 - Thoughts and Observations of not!Children

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The girl watched from the shadows as an auburn haired, blue eyed man in a canary yellow suit, pastel green undershirt, neon purple tie, and cowboy boots (where in the bloody hell did he get his fashion sense?) questioned one of the younger sailors about a 'Ms. Procella À. Aimsir'. The young man (Matthew, though I call him Matt, he's a good kid and likes to give me apples and red cloths) looked affronted by the older man's air of entitlement and looked ready to lash out at the him, and the boy by the side of the outrageously dressed man (like, seriously? neon and pastel do not go together) was slowly moving away from the two, having sensed what was wrong. (smart kid)

The boy, on the other hand, seemed to blend in with the other orphans and younger children and seemed to be openly disgusted by this fact. (doesn't he understand that that was a good thing in this part of town?) He had pitch black hair (no blue or red highlights like some of the asians I had met unfortunately...) with striking purple eyes (they look like amethyst...) (didn't J.K. Rowling write that his eyes were brown?) (what the fuck... of hell no...) that scanned the people around him calculatingly and wore a second hand white button down, black trousers, black vest, black dress shoes, and a black belt. The boy carried a brown satchel at his side and seemed to keep a hand on it at all times.

Procella (I usually introduce myself as Ella) caught some movement in the corner of her eye, and could only look on in dismay as one of her favorite Captains, a Mr. Joseph Marsh, (I just call he Cap'in Joe like his crew does) confronted Albus Dumbledore and Tom Riddle with his first mate and navigator, Kaito (he's never told me his family name...) and Sebastián Leadtad. She could just see the confrontation about to happen and knew that she would have to step in. Even if it meant revealing herself.


Tom was in a rut. He hasn't believed that anywhere could be worse than Wool's Orphanage, but he was apparently... wrong. (I am not wrong. Just... misinformed...) This docks creaked underneath the foot falls of the sailors and dock hands that hurried about, the wood seeming old and worn but strong at the same time. Crates and barrels littered the walkways sporadically, children and teenagers ran around in dirty worn clothes with faces and hair dirty from days of going without bathing. The smell of the place was that of sweat, musk, alcohol, salt, and smoke. All you could hear were the sailors and dock hands walking, running, yelling, laughing, and the sound of waves crashing, wood creaking, wind howling. There was no where (that I could see anyway, I wouldn't put it past them to have some secret hideaway) for the children could be but on the crates, under foot, on the boats, or just not on the docks altogether.

Purple eyes watched the crowd of people that surrounded them; some stopped to stare, others just went about their days but not without a glance towards them or before sending a glare the Professor's way. He could understand the sentiment, though he did not appreciate the way that those eyes would group him with the older man or the fact that very few of those eyes didn't resemble a predator's eyes when it is assessing an invader. (it's exhilarating to be seen as an actual threat than just a brat with power) (but I don't think that this is a good place to be see as a threat in though...)

Tom turn around just in time to catch the movement of three people headed straight towards the Professor and his... victim, (who had introduced himself as "Matthew, one of the dock hands here", not that Dumbledore or I cared,) as well as himself, unfortunately. The young genius took this time to assess the three and found a sense of foreboding filling the pit of his stomach. The man on the left of the leader was clearly Asian at a height of 5'6" with short black (that has a red tint to it... why doesn't mine have something like that?) hair and black eyes, with a slight but moderately muscled body, a sword (a katana, I found out later...) and wearing clothes that wouldn't look out of place on a pirate (light brown tunic under a black vest with red embroidery, black pants and a red belt over the tunic and vest with the sword attached to it, brown boots, and black eyeliner) (bloody hell...). The man on the other side was wearing much the same as the Asian (dark blue billowing button down long sleeve shirt, white pants, burgundy sash around his waist, brown boots) (he looked liked a low paid bull fighter more than a pirate...) and stood at an astounding height of 6'3" with a lanky build, light brown shaggy hair that went just below his shoulders, and laughing hazel eyes. The man looked like a Spaniard, that had two rapiers attached to the sash. The leader was clearly a captain and dressed like one you would find (again, this is getting annoying) on a pirate ship (normal white button down under a dark red waist coat that had gold embroidery with a hood, faded blue pants, black boots, faded purple sash) (minus the hat and monkey/perrot) and stood at a height of 5'10", just between the two men on either side of him. He had dirty blonde hair that was kept short and brown eyes that spoke of intelligence and confidence, as well as a thin scar along his nose and down his right cheek. All three wore amulets that were different from each other yet similar (the Asian wore a small blue and green cloth bag on a leather cord, the Spaniard had on a Fight Conch with a black leather cord somehow attached to it, the leader had a polished oval of abalone on a thin gold chain with a limpet on either side of it), but only the leader wore an earring as well. They all looked dangerous, in appearance, in posture, in their eyes, and Tom Marvolo Riddle was very reluctant to meet their acquaintance.

(I do want to learn how to recreate such an aura though, that would make others very unwilling to antagonize me again...)

As the three men, who looked to all be in their early thirties, got closer, Dumbledore finally seemed to notice them. A beaming smile broke out on his face as his eyes became shrewd and disdainful towards the men, paying no mind to the way that the people around them looked at those same men with reverent and respectful eyes. (The fool...) Tom, on the other hand, took in everything that was going on around him and cataloged it for future reference. (I remember seeing that look on several Catholic's face and eyes as the Father gave a sermon... it would be dangerous to do anything against the three here...)

"Ah! Hello there gentlemen, I was hoping that I could find someone that could assist us in finding someone." The goat in human skin said, voice as bright as his clothing and much more welcoming, but his eyes were clearly showed his distaste and disgust at his surroundings and the people who lived there.

Before the Professor could continue, the young man (Matthew) pushed him aside. "They're lookin' for the Lass, Cap'in!" He shouted, causing all activity within hearing distance to stop and for everyone to turn towards the strangers with distrusting and suspicious glares.

Tom watched as the young man ran to the leader of the three men, the one he called 'Cap'in', and took a place off to the side and behind them after seeming to give him a report of what had happened in a low hushed voice. Several others then came up to the three and started to talk in soft tones like Matthew had, probably doing the same as him as well.

He looked towards Dumbledore, wanting to know what his reaction to this... development was, only to see an scandalized and annoyed look on his otherwise twinkling blue eyes with a serene and patient look on his face. Personally, Tom was intrigued by the actions of them and wanted to know what had caused such deference the populace of the docks held for the three men.

Brown eyes flashed over to Tom and the goat, making them freeze in anticipation and wariness. Those eyes seemed to hold them still as the man dissected them with his gaze, looking for something that the both of them were very unwilling to give. (I might have found a role model...)


She watched as Cap'in Joe dissected them with those eyes of his, thinking that maybe the two will leave and never come back if they become too uncomfortable in this place.

Ella watched from her perch on the roof above them (forever thankful that today was cloudy with very little sunlight, or they would have seen my shadow by now...) to watch from a safe distance away, but close enough to jump in if it was needed. While all three of them were very skilled in their chosen forms of combat (Cap'in Joe is a marksman and a highly skilled martial artist, while the other two are master swordsmen...), the crowd would need to be protected from stray bullets and spells if a fight broke out, and she intended to stop it before it started.

So, she watched as three of her favorite people walked closer to the two strangers and began talking, and Ella began to wish that she had chosen a place within hearing distance.

(I did not pout... I scowled...)

((Let me tell all of your that I just combined three chapters together to make this one... yeah its a bit sad, but readers on complained that they were too short and I was too lazy to just make a bunch of new chapters one after the other.

Disclaimer is on the Prologue))

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