Two - Kidnapped

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* Edited 11/15/15





Tied up and hopeless was how I would describe my situation. Sure they seated me on something comfortable like a couch or bed.... I wasn't sure which one it was, but I'm glad it wasn't a basement. You could feel the cold air like the one in my small town.

Once I find a way to get out of here, I'll happily kick them all.

"So what now?" A male's voice whispered. Since the room was very quiet; I could easily hear them well.

If I had kidnapped someone, I would have already have a plan waiting. These guys could be mistaken by idiots any day. They kidnap me and the don't have a clue on what to do with me.

"Call my dad and tell him I got a slave like he wanted."

Whoa! Me a slave?


Doing chores is one thing that I hate. Doing chores for these three guys are my number one hate option on my list. If I'm going to do chores, I better have a jacuzzi waiting for me in the bedroom I am going to stay in.

"Sure thing." I tried to kick and swing my arms that were tied up to see if I could hit someone. Unfortunately, I fell to the floor. The table seemed to hate me, for it hit my arm during the time I fell.

"Look! she's playing a game!" one of them said as if I was the cutest thing ever. Part of me felt like I was a pet instead of a prisoner.

"She's trying to hit us, stupid! " The guy sounded annoyed and I could easily tell he hit the guy who was previously talking. That 'ouch' whisper wasn't coincidental.

These guys are really annoying honestly. I could try screaming for help, but what good will it do? I've been trying to scream for justice all over my home. I stopped kicking and swinging my arms all over the place. My energy shouldn't be wasted for these guys.

"Take her blindfold off." A voice echoed louder than any voice i have ever heard in this place. I felt someone untie the blindfold from behind my head and it fell to the ground. I quickly looked around seeing it was a big and nice place. Weird since I was expecting something worse.

I looked over to the left seeing two cute guys standing there smirking at me. To be honest, they looked hot. They had a six pack that made me drool. Oh and they weren't wearing shirts, so that made it impossible for me to stop looking at them. Stuff like this only happens in books not reality. What the hell am I doing in a house full of cute guys? My fantasies have become a reality.

"You okay? You seem to be drooling.." The blonde dude with hazel eyes said. I shook my head and came back to reality. This can't be real. I'm probably dreaming. Who knows? Perhaps someone hit me in the back of my head with a shovel.

What I did notice was one of the three guys was missing.

"My father says he's coming over to check out the human." The voice hypnotized me to look over to the guy who didn't seem as bad. He had blonde hair with brown highlights hiding, blue sky eyes that can easily get you lost, and his shirtless chest showed us all his 8 pack abs. You could say he was the hottest from all three.

"What do we do with her until then?" The guy with the brown messy hair and brown chocolate eyes asked the blonde with highlights.

"Untie her."The guys gave his a nod. One of them untied my arms while the other gyt untied my legs. Both of them pulled the cloth that was preventing me from talking. Fresh oxygen hit the sweaty skin around my lips. The air seemed to be fresher when I breathed in and out.

"Thanks for freeing me..." My voice was shaky and quiet. I have never seen these cute guys before ever in my life. Their extraordinary looks intimate me much more than the first day of school.

The cute guy out of all walked towards me. His shadow cast on top of mine creating a very awkward tension. He stucked out his large hands for me to shake. " The name is Jake." He tells me with a beaming smile.

"My name is Dylan!" Dylan waved at me as his blonde hair covered most of his face. The white shirt he is wearing is doing a good job on showing his fit chest.

"I'm Finn, the only one who actually knows what I'm doing." The brown hair boy smirked at me and then the boys.

"Yeah.... it was nice being with you kidnappers , but I need to go before it's morning. My dad won't like how I'm not there to serve him. " I said walking to the door and I was about to turn the doorknob until Jake appeared before my very eyes. How did he got there so quickly?

"You're not leaving until my dad meets you," He sighted. "My dad wanted to me own a slave because it is family tradition. So guess you got lucky because you're my new slave forever.  Well....until you die." Is this dude nuts or what?

"Oh hell no!" I yelled and he chuckled. What's up with him? I really don't want to be here around the sexy men. I'm suppose to be there for my mom right now; protecting her from all the abuse given to her.

"Well since Jake own's her and I'm his best friend....that means I get to have fun with her." Dylan said coming out of nowhere winking at me. I felt nauseous. I can't be having 'fun' until I'm married because that's something I choose to do. My worst fear is that the type of slavery he wants me to be is.... A sex slave? God no. Please no.

Jake gave Finn a glare. " She isn't a sex slave, Dylan!"

" Sorry!" He yelled back walking away from us. I'm glad I'm not that type of slave. I haven't even had sex before ever in my life. Finn doesn't seem to be like the at all. He's just there looking at us with disapproving gestures.

"That's because I'm the oldest and the most responsible person here." Finn read my mind.

That's creepy.

"No reading minds Finn. You scared her!" Dylan gave Finn a warning glare. I could tell Finn wasn't going to be scared by Jake easily. He just stood there laughing to himself a bit.


Reading minds?

What the fuck!?

"Okay, your all scaring me really bad.Even the getting kidnapped part wasn't this scary. These two," I pointed to Jake and Dylan. "Came out of nowhere and this one," I pointe to Finn. "Read my mind. What is going on here?" I was getting really mad. Some prank this is.

Jake opened his mouth to say something , but then closed it when he hear a knock on the door.

I prayed it was the police , but it was just a guy who looked very young like his 20's.

"This is my dad. Dad, this is my....slave." His father looked at me in disgust carefully. Something about him wasn't quite right. His skin was very pale.


So were the guy's skin.

What is going on!?


Hey! I noticed that Alyssa was childish in this book, so I decided to change her personality.

Thanks for reading!

- Mary

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