Chapter 21- Going out

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Chapter 21-Going out

**5 months later**

Alyssa's P.O.V.

"Your not still upset about what happened five months ago are you? because that would be ridiculous!" Liset exclaimed and walked over to the book shelf to grab a book.

"I'm not upset about Jake. I'm upset about not seeing my mother in a long time. I wonder how she is doing" I said taking a sip of hot tea that Mrs.Green made for me. She's so nice.

"Its been five months. Your mom probably thinks your dead so don't worry" My eyes widen in her choice of words. She then noticed what she said and covered her mouth.

"Sorry Alyssa, it sounded better in my head" She laughed awkwardly at the end of her sentence.

"Its fine." I assured her.

"Funny how everything changes in five months huh?" She giggled.

"Yep. Jake's dad going on a business trip for two more months is great! I don't have to worry about him for a while."

"Yeah , but you do have to worry about Jordan."

Thanks for ruining my happiness

I said in my mind and continued reading a Romance book I picked out. If you haven't figured it out, we are in the library room because Jake's dad and Jordan aren't home to tell us what to do and where to go. Yes, we're Rebels.

"aha!  I knew you two would be in here"

I jumped because the voice startled me. I turned around seeing Jordan's smirk on his face. That bastard!

"Yeah so what?" Liset snapped. Well I guess someone isn't having a great day today.

"So I'm going to tell my dad!" He smiled at us both evilly and then looked at me. "Alyssa, we all know my dad will probably kill you if he found out"

I gulped

"So...I won't tell him if you go out with me" I almost threw up and the image of me dating that bitch of a donkey!

"No deal!"Liset answered for me.

"Okay, I'll do it" I said in defeat.

"What?!" Liset screamed.

"Good. Be ready for tonight my love" He blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it. Once he left the room I shivered in disgust. I really didn't want to catch that kiss , but I had to because he would do something if I didn't.

"Are  you insane!?" She screamed at my face.

"No!" I screamed back. Hey, this is actually pretty fun.

"Going out with that dude. I mean THAT dude who is nothing, but selfish. I can't believe you accepted that." She complained while pacing left to right the whole time.

"What's done is done"

She groaned out of frustration and left the room stomping like a little kid.

Okay then....

Jake's P.O.V.

"Jakey! Please take me out!" Ashley begged. Honestly this girl is annoying. Ever since I started to date her she has been only causing head aches.

"Fine" I breathed out messaging my temples.

"Yay!" she squealed.

"Hey Jake, what's with the girly scream?" Dylan asked with both hands on his ears so he wouldn't hear anything. I stood up and walked up to him. I pulled down his arms so it wouldn't block my voice.

"It wasn't me. It was Ashley who wanted to go somewhere" I explained.

"Oh" That's all he said and left.

This is going to be fun. Note the sarcasm.


Idk what to say....

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