Seven - Not so Clever idea

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Chapter 7- Not so Clever idea

Alyssa's P.O.V.

Someone pushed me to the ground and I was a little afraid to open my eyes , but I did anyways. It was a very handsome vampire. Blonde hair with brown highlights just like Jake. He also had  brown eyes. "LET ME GO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He just laughed at me ,which I think was really rude, and smirked. "Not a chance, You're a slave and I don't take orders from slaves"

He smiled and showed me his fangs. I was frightened as he came closer to me. I have never been bitten before and I don't want to be now. "HELP ME!! THIS DUDE IS TRYING TO BITE ME!!! AHHHH!" I started to kick and punch , but he held me tight.

  I closed my eyes and waited for the pain in my neck. I felt something off of me so I thought he was being nice and letting me go. Nope, Jake was literally punching him in the face.

Well I stood up and started to walk away because you know; we need to take our chances. As I was walking away.... Dylan and Finn appeared in front of me out of nowhere.  "Where do you think your going?" Finn asked crossing his arms.

"Home" I said , but it sounded more like a whisper. They both sighted and I looked down a little embarrassed for no particular reason


"Let's go back home" I felt exited when Dylan said that. So there taking me home? Yippers!

"No, I meant our home" Dylan corrected my thoughts. My happy smile disappeared into a frown of sadness. We walked to the house and I went to the couch. I was disappointed at myself that I didn't succeed at my plan. Maybe I should have planned this with more thoughts.

The door opened and Jake came In the house with a black eye and a little cut on his lip. I immediately felt sorry for him and ran up to him.

"Don't" he stooped me and glaring at me. He left upstairs  leaving me alone.The guys saw the whole thing and ran up to me. I felt kind of sad that Jake hates me , but I don't know why its just weird. 

"Its okay Alyssa. Jake is kind of in a bad mood because he just saw his brother" Finn explained. So the guy who wanted to bite me was his brother? What a nice surprise. Note the sarcasm. "I'm going to bed." Dylan yawned and walked upstairs leaving me with Finn. "Get some rest and please don't try to escape because it won't end well" I nodded and went to my room. Darkness took over my eyes and I fell asleep.

Jake's P.O.V.

I slammed my door closed and jumped on my bed. I let out a frustrated scream In my pillow. How dare she escape when she knows she's my slave. Thanks to her I had to come face to face with my asshole of a brother.

I always hated him because he always tried to be better than me. He was always dad's favorite. Every Christmas he would get more presents than me which wasn't fair. I always hated him.

~Next Day~

I woke up and groaned because the sun was in my eyes. I stood up and didn't bother to get dressed. It was my house anyways.

I walked to the kitchen and took out a bottle of blood. I started to drink it until I heard someone clear there throat. I turned to see Dylan standing with only boxers like me. Well at least I'm not the only one.

"What's up man?" I said taking another drink from the bottle of blood. "Well I figured you weren't feeling so well because of seeing you brother again so I decided to call some ladies over tonight" Dylan winked and I chuckled.

Having someone to take off my mind with does sound good right now.

"Sure dude" He gaved a small nod and left to I don't know where , but I don't care. "Jake are you still mad at me because of the other day?" Said a soft voice. I turn to see Alyssa with bloodshot eyes. She must have been been crying for a while. "Um...a little" I simply answered and walked pass her. I sat on the couch and watched T.V.


Hope you liked it!!

I'm going to Six Flags! ^0^

please vote and comment because I really worked really hard to write this.

Thanks!  (=^-^=)


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