Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Alyssa's P.O.V.

I shut the bedroom door behind me. I don't know what's going on, but I know for a fact that its not good. I'm just worried for Jake, something can happen to him.

I heard a loud crash which made me open the door and run the the living room.

I wasn't thinking straight so I just walked in seeing Jordan and Ashley. Of course.

"Alyssa! Go to your room now!" Said a furious Jake. I shook my head and he got even more angry.

"No, actually.... we need her too" Jordan smirked at me evilly which send shivers down my spine.

"W-why?" I shuddered to talk.

"Death" Ashley answered.


"Your going to die!" She chanted in happiness. That bitch!

"No" Jake screamed. "Kill me instead" he mumbled looking down at the cold floor. I knew I couldn't let Jake just die for me! If that ever happened I would have always feel guilty and I couldn't live with the guilt. Its to much for me.

"No, I have a better idea. I'll kill you both!" Both Jake and I gasped at Jordan's words.

"Ashley, bring me the wooden stake!" Jordan commanded.

"Gladly" She smiled and on her hand there was the wooden stake. The only way to kill a vampire.

Jake ran up to Jordan trying to get the wooden stake away from his hand. Jordan tried to stab him, but Jake wasn't going to let that happen easily.

The Wooden Stake was between them. I saw the worried expression in both Jake and Jordan's face. The only explanation is that one of them got stabbed, but who?

Jake feel to the floor with blood all over his shirt. I gasped at the scene.

"Let's go!" Jordan grabbed Ashley's wrist and dragged her out of the house.

I couldn't move...

I couldn't talk...

I couldn't do anything....

I was in complete shock

Someone came in the house and looked at the scene. I noticed it was the police, but I didn't do anything. I was still shocked.

"Ma'am, what happened here?" One of the police officers asked me, but my words got stuck in my throat. I wanted to talk.

"Looks like she's in shock. Take them both to the hospital" Two men carried Jake's stabbed body. Another man came and helped me walk to the ambulance.


"You'll be okay" The nurse assured me. I gave a small nod as a response.

"What about Jake?" I found the energy to ask the nurse. She looked at me with pity.

"He's a little bit in danger since they stabbed him in the stomach where his stomach intestines are. He might have some damage ribs. Right now, the doctor is checking on him" She left the room before I even spoke.

Talk about rudeness.

If something ever happened to Jake, I would take the blame because everything happened because of me. If I have never tried to ran away the other night, non of this shit would have happened.

The door of my hospital room opened. I saw Mrs. Green come in with a worried expression. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"No" I answered

Bitten For Love ✔ ( Major Editing )Where stories live. Discover now