Thirteen - Taken away

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Chapter 13- Taken away

Edited 12/27/17

Alyssa's P.O.V.

You know, when I wake up I expect to see a ceiling over my head not Jake looking down at me trying his hardest to contain his tears. I blinked a few times before raising my upper body to greet him. He gave me a sad look to warn me it was time. "This is how it ends?"

"They're downstairs waiting. I told them I would force you up, but no way would I ever do that," He said softly not wanting me to panic , but how can I not? I'm going to be someone's slave who might not care too much about me and who can hurt me.

I hugged Jake tightly wrapping my arms around his waist. He is fit , but there's no time to think about that.

"We can't let them wait any longer. They'll suspect something is up. I'm sorry baby girl." He got up and broke the hug.

He pulled me outside in my pajamas only by force. I was struggling to catch up to him since my legs are weak. Can't even run more than five minutes without dying. Soon he stopped catching me off guard and making me bump into the back of his well back. "Make sure you scream my name when you're in danger. Not out loud, but in your head. There's a chance I can hear you."

"A chance not a a hundred percent possible." I frown.

"Yeah until I figure out how to hack this whole ability thing. But hey, this isn't over." He kissed my lips to assure me.

His lips are cold , but I don't care. I like him no matter what. After all he is my mate. He broke the kiss and grabbed my hand gently. He lead me to the living room where Jake's brother and father were waiting for me.

I looked over to my left seeing there was a beautiful girl too. She had blue eyes and strands of blonde hair. I think she is the girl who's going to be Jake's new slave. It wouldn't surprise me if Jake ends up liking her.

"Finally,son! I was getting worried that you ran off with the slave. Good thing you didn't because I don't play." His father grabbed me violently like a toy and pulled me close to his figure. He later shoved me to Jake's brother. When I looked up, his evil smile made a shiver run down my spine.

"When will I see Alyssa again?" Jake spoke up. His father looked surprise at his question , but he answered anyways.

"Two years," Jake,Finn, and Dylan's mouth dropped open. Two years without seeing Jake or the boys. This can't be happening.

"That's a long time!" Jake complained.

"Well too bad!" Jake's brother stuck out his tongue.

His father gave a warning scowl at his brother to stop being so childish with the whole situation. He's spoiled that's his problem. Before my very eyes, he pushed Ashley towards Jake with one strong move. Her eyes widened when she felt like the floor was going to make contact with her. The next thing I knew she was holding onto Jake so tightly.

I'm well aware it was pretty much to save her from falling to the floor, but my body burns. Another woman touching him hurts and burns more than anything. Can this be the side effects of having a mate? It has to be.

I looked over at Finn shaking his head no as a reply to my thoughts. This is a great way to start the day. Kind of sucks she's blushing at the sight of him too.

"New home here we come!" The annoying brother joyful says out loud as he pulls me further and further away from my friends. His father gives me a nasty glare before walking faster than him and passing him. The guys gave me one last look before the door closed.


All car was just them telling me how much my life was going to change. Legit they told me something about torture if I didn't obey the first time. By my knowledge slavery shouldn't exist. It frightened me more when the car stopped in front of an old house with blue paint that was fading.

We entered the house and saw it looked very elegant. There were vases with flowers and some painting hanging on the walls.There was ever a statute mostly everywhere on a table.

"Try not to break anything. They cost more than your life. Go to the kitchen and tell my wife you have arrived." He demanded with a harsh tone. Why is this guy always so moody?

I gave a small nod and walked away. I stopped my tracks when I noticed i don't know where the kitchen was. I turned to asked, but he was already gone along with Jake's brother who I really want to know his name because I'm curious.

Operation finding the kitchen is now in progress. I walked and walked for about fifteen minutes opening any door that could give me a clue. One room was a gym which was pretty surprising to see. Hey, maybe this is why Jake has a pretty good body figure. In the end of searching I have concluded that I was indeed lost.

"Hi, who are you?" I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and turned to see a girl my age. Well not exactly my age because only she knows how old she is. Probably around 120 or something. Vampire ages are still a mystery honestly.


Who is the girl?

Anyways please




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