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I took out my umbrella and offered it to you , while you smiled and rejected my offer .

I insisted and after five minutes of a small argument , we came to a conclusion of sharing it and you being a gentleman , you held it for us .

I noticed that the right side of you shoulder was all drenched realising that you actually sheltered me more . I let out a small chuckle hoping you wouldn't heard it but you heard it .

You asked me why was I laughing , I told you to shift the umbrella more to your side and you being a stubborn kid , ignored me and shift it more to my side .

I grinned at you and calling you a pabo and in return , you called me a shortie . I playfully rolled my eyes at you while you smirked at me , gosh , I wanted to really wipe of that smirk off your handsome face as it was killing me internally.

You dropped me off at my house and I thanked you for walking me home while you hummed in response , I handed the umbrella to you .

Jeongguk ah , you should take the umbrella with you , it's still raining so heavily , I don't want you to catch a cold and I need my annoying buddy with me ."  I looked at him and hissed .

"Arraseo , shortie ! " you playfully said while putting your hands above me signalling that I was short .

I hit your arms slightly as a sign of revenging you for calling me a shortie because it was definitely not my fault for being short and you're just too tall .

You beamed at me and shouted thanks as I opened the doors of my house .

You put on a cold face but your voice was awfully sweet when saying 'see you tomorrow' .

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