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You laughed
You smiled
You acted as if you saw nothing
For the world told you
It was the right way to go

You just asked what's with her
With no wish
To know the answer
Instead of coming to her
And asking her what's wrong

In that moment
She realised
You didn't care about her
So she hated herself
For still caring about you

Nobody ever did anything
To show they noticed her pain
To show they knew
So she concluded
It wasn't important

Nobody ever talked to her
Not even a word
But walked past her instead
So she concluded
She wasn't important

In that moment
She learned to live
Without you

And with time
She learned to love
Being alone

For all you ever brought her
Was pain
And sorrow

And now
When you need her again
You wonder
Why is she so distant
Why is she not running after you

But the answer is so simple
She wasn't important to you then
So she learned to live without you
And you aren't important to her now
Now that she is healed

Elysium - Book of Darkness (Elysium #1)Where stories live. Discover now