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10.25 PM

The sound of the door being unlocked caused Seokjin's eyes to open, he quickly stood up from the bed and looked at the door that was slowly opening.

He tried to brace himself for that man that would walk through that door. He was used to his 'dates' not being very attractive, luckily he would always face the other way when the men would fuck him and he didn't have to kiss them, unless of course they paid him extra.

But as the door fully opened Seokjin couldn't believe the man standing in the doorframe.

''I'm so sorry for making you wait so long, I was stuck in a meeting.'' The man's deep and raspy voice spoke as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind himself.

Seokjin was awestruck as he looked at the man standing in front of him. Raven hair neatly pushed back, a gray trench coat buttoned up to the top and a pair of specs lying on the bridge of the man's nose. Even in the dimmed room Seokjin could tell the man standing in front of him was extremely handsome and suddenly he was regretting not taking that shower while he still had the chance.

The man had plump lips, a long nose and wide eyes, which were hiding behind the specs he was wearing, his skin seemed as smooth as porcelain and just his gaze alone left Seokjin mute for almost a minute.

''I-it's okay...'' Seokjin managed to stutter out as he forced himself to snap out of his gaze. ''You paid for a whole night anyway...''

''Right...'' A shy smile found its way to the man's face and Seokjin couldn't help but notice the prominent dimples that appeared on each of the cheeks when he smiled. ''I don't think I've actually introduced myself to you yet. I'm Kim Joonho.'' The man spoke as he took off his trench coat and hung it up on the hanger.

''Kim Saejin.'' The blonde used his made up name, it's not like the raven could do any harm to him if he knew his real name but at least that way Seokjin kept at least a bit of his dignity. The raven-haired man flashed Seokjin a polite smile and extended out his hand for the blonde to shake.

At first Seokjin didn't even realize what the man was trying to do. He looked down at his hand trying to figure out what he was motioning to when he realized the hand was meant for a handshake. He wiped his palm on his jeans then shook the man's hand. Even his hands were soft.

This couldn't be true, somebody like Seokjin wasn't lucky enough to meet a man like him. Why would a man like him need to rent a man like Seokjin for the night, when clearly, very cleary, he could find himself somebody better.

''S-so... Since you have me for the whole night....'' Seokjin trailed off. ''What do you want to do?''

''Eat, I'm starving.'' The man spoke as he walked over to the nightstand to pick up the phone and call for room service. ''What do you want to eat?''

''Huh?'' Seokjin asked, feeling taken aback by the man's generosity. Usually his dates barely gave him enough time to get dressed before they kicked him out of the room, but this man was offering to buy him dinner.

''You must be starving, you've been waiting for me for an hour already, what are you in the mood for?'' 

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