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06.00 AM

By the time, the pair made it out of the bathroom the sun was already beginning to rise. The pair were each wrapped in a bathrobe, their hair were still wet but they were clean and ready to take on the day.

''How about I order us some breakfast?'' Namjoon suggested, already making his way over to the phone.

''Sounds good.'' Seokjin agreed with a small smile on his lips. He walked over to the window to see the violet sky, the orange run was just about to peak through the tall buildings and change the color of the sky into a beautiful pink.

Mornings were Seokjin's favorite time of the day, not only because they were incredibly beautiful, peaceful and quiet but because for him, they meant he survived through another night without getting, robbed or murdered. It was quite sad when you think about it, but it was the truth. The second the sun came up Seokjin once again felt safe, as if all the monsters went to sleep and there was nothing in the world that could hurt him.

That was a big lie, in the neighborhood where Seokjin lived, somebody could get shot right in front of you yet it would be considered an everyday thing.

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around Seokjin's waist and before he knew it he was lifted into the air and spun around causing a giggle to escape his lips.

''Breakfast should be here soon.'' Namjoon announced as he placed a kiss on the older's cheek.

''Good, I'm hungry.'' Seokjin replied as he turned around and kissed the raven.

''You won't experience that feeling anymore after today.'' Namjoon assured as he kissed the older again causing Seokjin to smile into the kiss.

''I like the promises you're making, I hope you can keep them.''

''I will.''


''What do you mean?''

''Why do you want me to come with you.''

''Do you believe in faith?''

''I don't really believe in much anymore.''

''Well I do... The other night, I was supposed to go to my bachelor party, but I left early since I wasn't in the mood. I was crying and throwing things around the house, I was so mad at myself because I was too much of a coward. I was mad that I was about to spend the rest of my life with somebody I don't love. Once I calmed down I threw myself on the bed and started scrolling through some posts to distract myself and suddenly you popped up. That picture of your neck and your lips. I went fuck it and DMd you and suddenly you started talking about a place to meet and then the idea popped into my head. I was nervous about seeing you, the entire meeting I could barely sit still, but when I saw you in person, something just felt so right.''    

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