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06.30 AM

''What, why?'' The raven's expression saddened.

''Namjoon, you're twenty-one years old, you're so young don't ruin your life by inviting a stray like me in.'' Seokjin tried to reason with the raven.

''My cats were strays... They seem just fine now that they have a loving home.''

''Namjoon you can't just give me a few spleen shots and a litter box, and suddenly I'll be safe to be around. We barely know each other, how do you know we'll last and that this isn't just in the moment talk. How do you know you won't regret your decision?''

''I don't, but I'm willing to risk it to find out.'' Namjoon spoke with a determined voice.

''What if I don't?''

''You don't want to be with me?''

''No, I want nothing but to be able to wake up with you every morning and to be happy and not have to go through the things I go through every day, but this is crazy. I can't do something like this to you.''

''Something like what? Ruin my reputation? In case you forgot, there is a wedding happening in four hours and I'm supposed to be the groom, my bags may be all packed and ready to leave but not for the honeymoon.''

''What if you hate me? What if we don't get along?''

''Now you're just over-thinking everything.''

''Am I? Because I think, that, I'm just finally allowing my brain to think rationally. I don't know you and you don't know me yet we were about to run away and spend the rest of our lives together. Tell me that isn't crazy.''

''So what if it is, who has the right to tell us no?''

''Common sense.''

''Seokjin, I have a flight to catch at 5 PM, and I would really like it if you would come with. I would really like it if we spent many more nights together, this time not in a cheap love motel but somewhere in a place we both call home. I want to have more meals with you, either in a restaurant or a diner even in a car in a parking lot next to a drive in whatever you're in the mood for. I want more time with you, don't tell me you don't feel the same way.''

''I'm sorry Namjoon, I don't think I can do this...''

For Rent // NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now