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6.18 AM

The pair were sitting at the table again; it was amazing how big of a difference a few hours made. Seokjin nibbled on the piece of toast that was in his hand, unable to get the plan out of his head.

''You don't like it?'' Namjoon asked noticing the older's lack of appetite.

''No, no, I just want to eat slowly, I'll get a stomach ache otherwise.'' The blonde lied as he took a sip of his black coffee. Oh how wonderful was the sensation of a warm beverage running down your throat, he sure will miss it.

''Are you sure, I can order something else if you don't like this.''

''It's okay, calm down.'' Seokjin spoke with a soft smile plastered over his lips. The sun was up and was shining its first rays through the window as the pair continued to eat in silence. Seokjin observed the younger's eating habits, finding them to be the most interesting thing on earth.

Namjoon would, instead of spreading the jam all over his toast take a small bite out of it then take a spoonful of jam and eat that as well then chew the things together. How interesting would it be to watch that boy eat every morning for the rest of his life, what a shame he'll never get to experience such a thing.

So he made sure to cherish every moment the pair had left together.

He observed Namjoon's facial expression, he admired his face; he smiled softly when his damp hair would fall onto his face, no longer neatly pushed back due to the absence of hair gel. Seokjin noticed how younger the man looked when his hair covered his forehead. He finally looked like twenty-one years old.

Namjoon felt the older's gaze on him, but didn't pay much mind to it, thinking the blonde was just lost in thought. This time of day suited Seokjin perfectly as he held the cup of coffee against his lips and stared into nothing.

The rising sun was shining on his face, making his damp hair appear even brighter and his skin glow. Namjoon wasn't sure if the blonde was aware of it, but oh my was the man beautiful. Since he's first laid eyes on him when he walked through the door last night Namjoon was awestruck by the older's beauty. He just had that kind of face you couldn't get tired of, well he was about to find out if that was really true, after all, he intended to spend the rest of his life staring at the beautiful face.

''I forgot to ask you an important question.'' Namjoon spoke up after a while.

''What is it?'' The blonde asked, he finally took a sip of the coffee and placed the mug back onto the table.

''Do you like cats?''

''I guess, why?''

''I have two.'' Namjoon explained with a small smile.

''What are their names?'' Seokjin asked; his voice seemed as quiet as when they spoke for the first time, maybe even quieter.

''Yin and Yang.'' Namjoon explained. ''One's completely black while the other is completely white. I think you'll like them, they're really cute.''

''Namjoon...'' Seokjin spoke with a sad smile on his lips. ''I don't think this is a good idea anymore.'' 

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