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12.23 AM

''How about some more wine?'' Namjoon suggested as he stood up from the bed and walked over to the table where the empty glasses and half-empty bottle remained. He poured the red liquid into the glasses then walked back over to the bed. He sat back down and handed the blonde his glass.

''You're not being fair, I had to tell you my life story, you have to answer me.'' Seokjin spoke as he took a sip of his wine.

''I'm a virgin.'' The sentence caused Seokjin to choke on his wine and start coughing again.

''Well, that was not the answer I was expecting...'' Seokjin replied as he finally caught his breath and stopped coughing. ''Why did you rent me if you've never done it before, I doubt you'd want your first time to be with somebody like me.''

''Actually, I'm not completely sure why I rented you for tonight...'' Namjoon replied honestly. ''I don't know a lot of things... I guess I just needed some company, maybe somebody to experiment with...''

''Are you still trying to figure out your sexuality?''

''That's three question's in a row.''

''Who cares.'' The blonde rolled his eyes. ''Just answer.''

''Maybe... I don't know... Maybe I'm just really lonely and desperate.''

''Gee thanks...''

''I didn't-You know I didn't mean it in a way to offend you.''

''Well... We still have all night... And I'm pretty much all yours, so whether it be just talking or experimenting I don't mind either... It's been a while a since I've actually spoken to somebody like this.''

''Do you have any friends?''

''Not really, I have a whole bunch of people I live with but most of them I don't even know their name.''

''How do you manage to do this, I would've given up, maybe even killed myself by now...''

''You don't think I've had those thoughts?'' Seokjin asked as a scoff escaped his lips. ''I mean there is truly nothing worth it for me to keep living, I don't have a family, I don't have a home, I eat once a day if I'm lucky and I make money by fucking strangers. Yet I still stay for some reason, I'm still too afraid to end my life.''

''It means that you're an incredibly strong person.''

''Or maybe I'm just dumb enough to keep going, it won't get better for someone like me. I'll eventually just die and nobody will even care.''

''Okay now you're getting too pessimistic for my liking.'' Namjoon spoke as he stood up from the bed and walked over to his coat, he pulled out his phone from one of the pockets and turned it on. He connected his phone to the speakers that were installed above the bed and pressed play on a slow song.

''What are you doing?'' Seokjin asked with an arched eyebrow.

''Stand up.'' Namjoon spoke as he offered the older his hand. Seokjin took it and the younger pulled him up making him bump into Namjoon's chest, he almost lost his balance but the raven grabbed his hips.

''What are we doing?'' Seokjin asked when Namjoon didn't let go of his hips and instead started swaying from left to the right in the pace of the song.

''We're slow dancing.'' Namjoon replied with a shy smile.

Seokjin couldn't help but chuckle as he wrapped his arms around the younger's neck and started swaying from left to right to the pace of the song.

''I've never done something like this before.'' He spoke up after a while.

''Neither have I.''

''I kind of like it.'' Seokjin spoke as he flashed the younger the first genuine smile that night. The music was coming to an end but luckily Namjoon's playlist was full of slow and romantic songs the pair could dance to all night long.

Seokjin moved closer to the younger and rested his head on his shoulder as Namjoon gripped onto his hips even tighter, but not too tight to hurt the blonde. The pair were now softly embracing each other and another song went by but they didn't stop. It was quite comforting for both of them.

Seokjin, who hasn't felt a soft human touch and a warm embrace in two years already and Namjoon, who's never really been this intimate with anybody before.


''Yes Namjoon?''

''Can I kiss you?''    

For Rent // NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now