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Chapter 5 Training Begins

Last time on Dragon Ball New Age! Our heroes were faced with their first test of their training. Climbing the Tower. All seemed eager to begin their training all Tora except . After long hours of climbing Karnip and Goden were kidnapped by a mysterious figure. That mysterious figure was none other than Master Korin. After negotiating their freedom Karnip convinced Korin to let them go. Now finally reaching the top the next generation of Z-fighters can begin their training.

Find out now on Dragon Ball New Age!

" Seems you two are a little late, thats alright the more the merrier. " Said Kyruri, putting out his hand trying to help Karnip and Goden get up.

"Sorry about that." Goden cracked a smile in embarrassment.

'So this is it. ' Goden thought to himself. 'This is were all my training will pay off at the end. I can't let anyone down here not after my lousy performance at showing up at the ceremony. ' Said Goden looking down at his feet with his own faults. 'But,' Goden looked up with determination. ' All that will change here comes Goden 2.0. This time I Goden will not let anyone down. '

"So little green man," Tora said abruptly towards Kyruri. " Are you actually going to tell all of us why we were actually summoned here."

"So straight to the point," Kyruri quickly answered back. "Well nice to meet you all my name is Kyruri and that over there is my brother Bentura." Kyruri pointed out to Bentura who was meditating, something that he had never done but was giving it a shot. "You see in a year or so Earth will be faced with a oncoming threat. And well you see. " Kyruri nervously said. " We have no more fighters that could actually protect the Earth. They all die about a thousand years ago." Kyruri managed to smile. "That's why my father has asked me and my brother to train a generation of fighters. All thats left to say is. Will you seven stay to defend the Earth at these dire times?" Pleaded Kyruri as he looked each at the seven with a look of desperation and helplessness.

There was a moment of silence. Kyruri wasn't sure if what he had just said scared the young warriors or left them speechless that there was a green man talking to these humans telling them that soon there planet will be faced with new threat.

"Where do I sign up? Garon spoke out breaking up the silence.

" Yeah! Count me in!" Continued Karnip after Garon had finished his sentence.

" If its for the good of the Earth, then I'm in!" Kale followed.

"Ugh." Chard moaned out loud. Loud enough for yhe whole earth to hear. " If it means I get another hovercraft, then I suppose I will beat up the guys that come to this planet. "

" If some guys from outer space think that they can step on my planet. Then they have another thing coming. " Said Tora with a expression that gave the warriors a sense of retreat.

Kyruri was smiling. He couldn't believe that he won these Earthlings so easily. If only his father were here. He thought. He would of been so proud that Earth once again can get the peace that it deserves. The only person who hadn't answered yet was Goden. Kyruri just looked at him with anticipation waiting to see if this other young warrior was onboard like the Earthlings.

" I will join," Goden said making up the answer that Kyruri had expected.

" On one condition. " Goden continued.

"Huh?" Kyruri was surprised that there was even going to be one condition. Let alone if he was going to take this guy seriously judging by his

palm-shape hair. 'Then again.' Kyruri tough to himself. ' Father said never judge someone by their appearance. '

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