DB:NA Ch10

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Chapter 10: Empty Sensation

Last time on Dragon Ball New Age! The time left for the defense of Earth shortens everyday. It would only be a matter of time that someone may loose faith in what they are fighting for. Chard, former head director of Capsule Corporation realized that he wasn't in the same league with the rest of the Z-Fighters. But thanks to a inspirational speech from Garon, Chard knew his place was here. One of the protecters of the Earth. Only 1 month remains how will the Z-fighters prepare themselves. Find out Now!

*****(In The Middle of a Desert)*****


There he layed on the hard ground, Goden of the Earth's greatest fighter dying...of boredom.

"There's nothing to do." Goden complained to Karnip who was also lying on the ground.

"Actually when's the last time we saw any girls. "

Karnip too was dying of boredom. He could care less if all he was looking at was the sun, even though it was burning his eyes.

"Or the last time we had real food.Kyruri should really stay to being guardian of the Earth instead of being the Earth's protecters personal chef." Goden added.

"You said it." replied back Karnip.

Meanwhile still committed to their yearlong train Bentura, Chard, Kale, Garon and Tora were practicing new ki techniques.

Bentura was firing away with his signature attack the Mega Spiral Cannon to the barren wastelands mountains. Reshaping the area.

"Okay Garon I want you to dodge these." Said Tora. He was a few meters away from Garon.

"Tora if you think that you can land a  punch from all the way from there. Then your surely mistaken my freind. "

"Hehe." Smirked Tora. "Who said I was going to try to punch you. Get ready for this!" Yelled Tora readying his signature attack. The Soul Bomb.

"Soul Bomb!" Yelled Tora at top of his lungs. The Soul Bomb started to grow in his palm, only getting bigger and bigger as the second went by. Until Tora was ready to launch. A bright blue aura illuminated from the bomb.

"Here Garon dodge this!" Said Tora and launched the bomb

Tora saw the bomb coming his way, there barely anytime to dodge. It was too fast, not even the eyes of a regular human could see it coming their way and have time to react, but Garon wasn't a regular human. Having powers that exceed the average human, Garon was able to dodge the soul bomb coming his way, but only by a few meters.

"That was a cheap move Tora, you should've at least given me a better warning than just 'heads up'."

"Well sorry if I offended you in any way, how's about I give you the chance to show me what you've actually got. " Tora was only taunting Garon. The two might of been freinds, but Garon still had a little grudge for him all starting back from day one, when they've met.

"Okay then!"Garon yelled out loud. Quickly, Garon clutched his hands together and formed a triangle with both of his hands. "I like to call this the Tri Beam!" A yellow energy formed in the triangle. It was only getting brighter and brighter. Tora started to close his eyes, the energy's light was to much for his eyes to handle. "Get ready Tora! I'm about to launch!" Brighten to its full extent, the beam was at its max power. All that was needed now to be launched.

"TRI BEAM!"  Garon raised his his voice a little higher than before. "FIRE!!!" A triangle beam came at launching at Tora at high speeds. Unlike Garon, Tora doesn't have enough time to react. Due to the energy forming and blinding him. Garon was unaware that he could potentially hurt his rival or even kill him.

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